W. C. T. U. Gleams. Ladies Should Call Upon The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.—Psa. 19, 8. Pledget! forever, To Christ I come; Free from tobacco, Profanity and rum. This pledge was repeated by Dr. J. R. Boynton, the chief of the staff of hameo- pathy physicians of our National Tem­ perance Hospital, of Chicago, when, through mistaken hospitality, he was offered wine and cigars in a lovely Southern home, and was complimented for his choice by his generous host. Dr. Boynton says moreover, that the best and most intelligent people of the present time would no more have de­ canters of wine in their homes than mad dogs. Truly the light is breaking. Most encouraging reports of our work come irom the outposts all along the line, so says our National Cor. Secretaay. From statistics with regard to the vic­ tims of the recent heated term in St. Louis, we learn that they were mostly adults of the working classes; among the fatalities were few women, and fully two-thirds of the men who succumbed were addicted to the use of alcoholic drinks. Another temperance lesson for the receptive. Hay, Flou r, Fd, Etc. g B. C. R. F. Mill Co.’s • • OPP. CITY HALL, • * Feed Store. For At Reasonable Prices. Pioneer - Building. FIRST CLASS WORK . J. M. Hicks, rianagr. PROMPT SERVICE. • MEALS AT ALI II OlJliS k O OOO BLUE FRONT A Pointer. G. W. C rowsox is “in it”—the fruit business—again this year. If you desire a “square deal” on your fruit crop (or what there is of it) see him before completing arrangements for MRS. W. P. PARSONS. Bread, Pies, Cakes, etc. Fresh Eastern Oysters. . . 1896 . . OPPOSITE CITY llAI.Lk For First Class Service, . . PRODUCE. + • A Trial Order Solicited. ^hill Ashland flarket Reports. Hillinery and Dressmaking Fashionable TAKE YOUR WASHING Wheat, per pushel,......... @ .50 TO THE . . Flour, per thousand, .... $15.00 Mill Feed, per ton,......... 15.00 Hay, cheat, “ 11.00 Ashland Steam Laundry. “ grain, “ 13.00 Ferral A Siusuer, Propr’s. Shorts, “ 18.00 Oats, per bushel,............. .36 Potatoes, per 100 lbs,,... .75 @ 1.00 Special Attention Given to all Orders. Corn, “ ... 1.00 Blackberries, per crate,.. .60 Peaches, per box, ... 1.00 WORK GUARANTEED. GIVE us a TRIAL. Bunch Vegetables, per doz., .25 Eggs, per dozen,............. .15 Butter, per roll..................... 30 @ .35 o JAKE NOWAK, o