Stationer. Druggist. Eugene A. Sherwin, Bookseller. Druggist. PERSONAL. —Miss Jessie Ciint left for Portland last Friday evening. —Guert McCall left Sunday to work on the Crater Lake road. —Aden Spencer and famdy left for Dead Indian this morning. —Mr. ami Mrs. 8. A. Potter and little daughter went to Pokegama Saturday. —Mrs. Wm. Nelson left Thursday for San Jose, Cal., to visit with her daughter. —Pres. 0. H. Chapman, of the State University, returned home on Thurs­ day’s train. —Edward Spencer and the Hum brothers returned home from Pelican Bay Sunday night. —Miss Jessie Matthes, a Chautauqua visitor, returned to her home in Med­ ford Friday evening. —Rev. E. P. Childs and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogg left on a pleasure trip to Pel­ ican Bay last Thursday. —Mrs. F. Zipsy went to Tolo last W ednesday evening. From there, she went to Salem Saturday. —Mrs. C. A. Wining and children and sister, Miss Violet McCall, returned from Boone’s Ranch Thursday. —Mr. and Mrs. Cowles and daughter, Mrs. Flo. Otto, went to Smith’s Springs Sunday, to remain a couple of weeks. —Messrs. Lincoln Savage and Joe Me Connel and Misses Bertha Williams and Gertrude Sutton spent Saturday at the soda springs. —Miss Maud Feuson returned from Portland on Friday’s flyer. After re­ maining in Ashland aliout a month, she will go to San Francisco. —James Stewart, of Medford, came up to Ashland Friday and made the A d ­ vertiser a pleasant call, adding his name to our subscription list. —Fred Carter, Henry Galey, Roy Robley and John McCall left last Mon­ day morning for Klamath Lake and points in that vicinity on a two weeks’ trip. —Frank Shiedler, of Medford, a stu­ dent in the Berkley, Cal., University, arrived in Ashland on Saturday’s flyer on his way to Medford, where he will spend his summer vacation. $ That’s the Object Now Days economize B uying 3 | your groceries WM. HEVENER. PROFESSIONAL CARDS A. UNDER - NEW - MANAGEMENT. HINflAN, Jr., D. D. S., CORNER 4 th AND A STS. I office : MASONIC BUILDING, UPSTAIRS, | ASHLAND, OREGON. JIBS. R. T. MELLES, Proprietress. PAINLE88 EXTRACTION. BAKERY___ ' DR. c . W. BARR, BREAD . . . PIES . ..CAKES IN CONNECTION DENTIST, . MEALS, . I. O.O.F. BUILDING. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Boarding by ALL KINDS OF FILLINGS CAREFULLY AND SKILLFULLY INSERTED. the Day, Week or Month. i A Pointer. o o o o BLUE FRONT G. W. C rowson is “in it”—the fruit business—again this year. If you desire a “square deal” on your fruit crop (or wrhat there is of it) see him befo”e completing arrangements for MRS. W. P. PARSONS. Bread, Pies, Cakes, etc. Fresh Eastern Oysters. For Sale A two-year-old thorough- .. .. ...... bred Jersey bull. J. D. B olton , near C. E. Veghte’s brick yard. —Isaac Moore, of Shake, came over Inquire at the A dvertiser office. to Ashland last Saturday for supplies. Mrs. J. E. Crowson accompanied him FOR FIRST CLASS C»O TO on his return to visit with her sister, . Mrs. Moore, for a few weeks. PHOTOS AT THE . I OPPOSITE CITY HALL The Larson, . —Miss Clara B. Frink, of Salem, for­ LOWEST price , . merly a teacher in the Ashland public schools, passed through Ashland on F. L. CAMPS’ OLD STAND, Friday’s flyer, enroute to Venture, Cal., where she has been engaged as a teach­ PPFOSITB JIOTEI. P^BGON, er. ^SHLAKD,