W. C. T. U. Gleams. Mrs. Lucia H. Additon, state organizer and national lecturer of W.C.T.U., will speak some afternoon. She is said to be an earnest and interesting speaker. Come out and hear her, her subject will be the Human Problem according to Law, taking up the Socilological question. Watch out for the announcement and l>e there when she speaks. She has made this a study for nine years, and w ill give you something to think about. What the people and the press say of Mrs. Lucia H. Additon’s w’ork among them : Mrs. Additon is a forcible and con­ vincing speaker. Her language is well chosen, brief and comprehensive. She is well informed on the questions of the day, and able to handle them in a mas­ terful manner. Those who do not agree with her often are convinced bv •» her clear and pleasant style of presenting facts and arguments.—Mrs. B, F. Bur- gen, President Berkley (Cal.) W. C. T.U. ———— • • Central Heat Harket, • • Klum & Crisler, Prop’rs. Main Street, hin • JAKE Ashland, Oregon. -*• < MEATS. Beef on foot, per pound— ...01^ Cows,....... . .02 Steers,.. .. @ Hogs, on foot , per pound .02^ @ Chickens, per dozen, . .2.75 @ Turkeys, per pound,.. ...06 @ H . ..08 Steak, U ...06 Veal, @ 6.90 “ granulated, per sack, extra C, “ 6.55 Coffee, green, per pound, .25 .45 “ roasted, “ .25 .40 .10 Dried Fruits, “ ......... .08 .08 .10 Canned Veg., u ......... Rice,.................................... 16 lbs. for 1.00 Tea, per pound,....... ........25 .75 Honey, “ .. ....... 10 .12 ........ 15 .2C Cheese, *• POLEY & CO OEALf«* IN Groceries, Poultry, Eggs, Flour, Feed, Grain, o u o w cn u 3 o « * c t o X (/) V o G. a © Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. HE WILL A. Millsap s Old Stand, • Main Street. Ashland. Oregoa. TREAT YOU RIGHT­ LY. Send 10c. silver m ah and we will insert your name in our .02 FOR YOU. • Agents’Directory, .02Ji which goes to publishers, novelty deal­ .03 ers, &c. You w ill get a big mail of sam­ 3.00 ples, papers, cards,