Druggist. —— Stationer. Eugene A. Sherwin, Bookseller. PERSONAL. — — Druggist. awwwwmmwwwm —Gus Newbury was in town Monday. —J. W. Storms left for Asbestos last Friday. —Gerald Perkins, of Brownsboro, was Persist in paying extravagant prices for in Ashland Saturday. inferior articles of G roceries and P ro ­ visions , when you can —Alva Danielson was up from Med­ ford the first of the week. — Rev. F. G. Strange returned home a much better grade of all articles in the from Union City on to-day’s train. Grocery Line—both Staple and Fancy— —E. J. Kaiser, of the Record, left for less money Sunday evening on a trip to the east. —Ferd Strange and Leslie Rose re­ turned from Klamath Falls Friday eve­ ning. —Prof. C. A. Hitchcock returned home from his trip to the northern part of ttie state Satunley. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. UNDEE - NEW - MANAGEMENT. —Mrs. M. R. Klindt, sister of Mrs. C. P. Jones, arrived in Ashland from Ta­ A. HINftAN, Jr., D. D. S., coma on Mondav’s train. office : —Mrs. John Silsbv, of Hornbrook, and her sister, Mrs. Laura Reeves, of MASONIC BUILDING, UPSTAIRS, Newton, Iowa, are visiting at the Silsby home in Ashland. ASHLAND, OREGON. —Mrs. E. Powell and her sister, Miss Elsie Miller, of Brainerd, Minnesota, are in Ashland on a visit of two months. PAINLESS EXTRACTION. They will go to Idaho Falls to teach. RAkFPV —James Vander Veer and wife, of DR. C. W. BARR, IN CONNECTION • • cakes King City, Mo., relatives of Rev. F. G. DENTIST, . meals , . »Strange and family, of Ashland, are ex­ TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. pected to arrive on this evening’s train I. O.O.F. BUILDING. for a visit here. Why will you Purchase of William Hevener Bording —Rush Hicks and wife, Chas. Bolton, Jay Taylor and Carl Russel came over from the Hicks mine last Saturday. The mine has been shut down, owing to scarcity of water. by the Week or Month. MF» ALS AT ALL HOURS o C. P. ITEMS, CONTINUED. The meetings closed on the camp grounds Monday night, but will l>e con­ tinued in the M. E. church through the week. There were three new converts at the close ot the meeting. M. A. Husted, who has been in charge of the depot at this place for some time, contemplates leaving his work here, going to some other locality for business. The depot will be in charge of Cort. Pur­ keypile, ofthis place. “M.” Day, ALL KINDS OF FILLINGS CAREFULLY AND SKILLFULLY INSERTED. A Pointer G. W. C rowson is “in it”—the fruit business—again this year. If you desire a “square deal” on your fruit crop (or what there is of it) see him lM?fo,,e completing arrangements for o o o BLUE FRONT o MRS. W. P. PARSONS. Bread, Pies, Cakes, etc. Fresh Eastern Oysters. o o o; OPPOSITE CITY HALL Died. DOWNING At her home on the Boulevard, Ash­ land, Monday night at 11:30 o’clock, FOR FIRST CLASS . Mrs. J. L. Downing. Funeral services will be held from the residence to-morrow (Thursday) at 2:00 PHOTOS AT THE LOWEST PRICE, . . I p. m . Interment in Ashland cemetery. Mrs. Downing was well know in Ash­ land, and a great number of friends and acquaintance extend to the sorrowing husband the truest degree of heart-felt sympathy. o The Larson,