W. C. T. U. Gleams. IT’S H UMAN NATURE I 1 BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, + + + VEAL. Following are the resolutions adopted at the third annual convention of the Jackson county W. C. T. U., held in Medford May 12,13 and 14, 1896: [ continued from last week .] 4th.—Since the saloon, with its com­ bined evils, is the enemy of the home, WHERE BEST AND CHEAPEST the degradation of men and women w’hose characters determine the purity or impurity of the nation, we therefore re-affirm our undying enmity thereto and most urgently entreat of our broth­ ers to come to the help of the white rib- boness against the mighty evil with ballots cast in favor of God, home and native land. 5th.—Gone home. Since our last con­ Klum & Crisler, Prop’rs. vention, our dear sister and co-worker, S. D. Faucett, of Medford, Superintend­ ent of narcotics, has entered the portals of eternal rest. Dear ones are constant­ Main Street, Ashland, Oregon. ly being translated from cross-bearing to crown-bearing. Our tenderest con­ dolence goes out to the MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT o JAKE NOWAK, o QKINS of members of the broken household at ATTENTION ' all kinds the loss of a consecrated wife ami moth­ grtissrr. u“: er, and the Woman’s Christian Temper­ ance Union a worthy earnest helper, whose removal we deeply deplore. ned and mounted in the best and most Sleep on, dear sister, thy works do fol­ workmanlike manner possible. OCAlttS IN low thee. [ concluded next week .] Fraternally submitted, Mrs. A. H. R ussell ,) Eggs, Flour, Feed, Grain, Mrs. L. E. N orris , >■ Com. Mrs. M. E. R iley , ) Fruits, Vegetables, Etc. EATS To Buy • • Central Heat Harket, • • POLEY & CO., Groceries, Poultry, Ashland flarket Reports. A. Millsap's Old Stand, Main Street, Ashland, Oregon. PRODUCE. Wheat, per pushel,......... @ .50 Flour, per thousand, .... $15.00 Mill Feed, per ton,......... 15.00 Hay, cheat, “ 11.00 “ grain, “ 13.00 Shorts, 18.00 Oats, per bushel,............ .36 Potatoes, per 100 lbs,,... .75 @ 1.00 Corn, “ ... 1.00 Strawberries, per crate, 1.25 Bunch Vegetables, per doz., .25 Eggs, per dozen,............ .10 Butter, per roll.................... 30 @ .35 MEATS. Beef on foot, per pound— Cows,....... ... .01% Steers,.... ... .02 Hogs, on foot , per pound .02% Chickens, per dozen, ..2.75 Turkeys, per pound,. . . ..06 n ... .08 Steak, il ... .06 Veal, Cl Mutton, ... .05 It Bacon, •• • • ll Hams, •• • • Shoulders, ll ... .07 ll Lard, • • • .09 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ wwnrwwmwte Hay, Flour, Feed, Etc. £ B. C. R. F. Mill Co.’s BIGGEST Send 10c. ax ii and we iVlAIL Try Ua yOUr name silver a j insert n our FOR YOU. • Agents’Directory, .02 .02% which goes to publishers, novelty deal­ ers, &c. You w ill get a big mail of sam- .03 ples, papers, cards, &c., from all over 3.00 the world. You will be w’ell pleased for .08 only 10 cents. .10 Address, Fireside Pub, Co., .10 Dept. 15, Roxbury, Mass. .10 .10 .12% .08 .10 È Feed Store. F Pioneer - Building. J. M. Hicks, flanager TO THE CITIZENS OFASHLAND. STAPLE GROCERIES. Sugar, granulated,.........13 lbs. for 1.00 A “ extra C,.................. 14 granulated, per sack, 6.90 “ extra C, “ 6.55 Coffee, green, per pound,.25 @ .45 “ roasted, “ .25 @ .40 Rice,.................................. 16 lbs. for 1.00 Tea, per pound,....... ....... 25 @ .75 Dried Fruits, “ ....... 08 @ .10 Canned Veg., “ . ... .08 .10 Honey, “ .. ....... 10 .12 Cheese, *• ....... 15 .20 nvfvn • 1 ,1 I am now prepared to do a G eneral D raying B usiness and solicit your patronage. Leave orders at Wm. Hevener’s Grocery and they will receive prompt attention. All work done in a sat­ isfactory manner. • • • • — I GEORGE.