Druggist. Stationer. Eugene A. Sherwin, Bookseller. Druggist. PERSONAL. —Miss Lucinda Bryant is ill with ty phoid fever. —O. B. Allen came over from Klam ath Falls Sunday. Persist in paying extravagant prices for —Miss Theresa Bryant paid Medford inferior articles of G roceries and P ro a visit last Saturday. visions , when you can —M ias Hattie Sizemore left Sunday for her home in Sam’s Valley. a much better grade of all articles in the —Miss Maud Patterson returned from Grocery Line—both Staple and Fancy— Jacksonville last Friday evening. for less money —Mrs. D. L. Rice returned Sunday from a six weeks* visit in Portland. —Prof. I. E. Vining returned home from Monmouth on Sunday’s train. —Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ninengar re turned Monday from Ottowa, Kansas. PROFESSIONAL CARDS —Berry Anderson and brothers left UNDEB - NEW - MANAGEMENT. for their stock ranch on Spencer creek last Sunday. A. HINflAN, Jr., D. D. S., CORNER 4 th AND A STS. —M. L. Alford and family moved from office : Medford to Ashland last Saturday. They will make their home here. MASONIC BUILDING, UPSTAIRS, - —Miss Daisv Mingus, a student of the Portland H’gh^School, is spending the ASHLAND, OREGON. vacation at her home in Ashland. MRS. R. T. MELLCS, Proprietress. —Mrs. Lucell H. Additon, of Lents, PAÏNLE88 EXTRACTION. Oregon, will be in Ashland during the BREAD . . BAKERY __ Chautauqua Assembly, to conduct the . PIES . ..CAKES School of Methods for'the W. C. T. U. IN CONNECTION DR. C. W. BARR, Why will you Purchase of William Hevener DENTIST, Central Point Pointer«. . MEAL8, . TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. I.O.O.F. BUILDING. Lee Jacol>s, wife and little daughter, were visiting friends here last Sunday. Miss Cora Brown, of Eagle Point, made ns a call Sunday. Miss Mary Jacobs visited Miss Ada Leeves last Friday and Saturday. Misses Ida Lane and Cora Baldwin, of Ashland, visited Central Point Sunday. Mr. D. P. Walrad, of Ashland, is stay ing at the residence of A. S. Jacobs, I while attending the camp meeting. Mr. Lindsey Givan, of Butte creek, was here Monday, the guest of A. S. Jacobs and family. Bert Newton and wife, of this place, are stopping at the Bybee springs for Mr. Newton’s health. Rev. J. A. Slover, of Grant’s Pass, made us a call last Monday. The camp meeting is progressing with a large attendance. Much interest is being taken. Mrs. Barret, the lady preacher, gave two very able discourses last Sunday morning and evening. Elmer Patrick and Misses Ethel Wal rad and Nellie Ewan, of Ashland, came down on their wheels last Saturday, vis iting relatives and friends. They at tended the camp meeting, returning home in the evening. “M.” Bording by the Day, o o o Week or Month. ALL KINDS OF FILLINGS CAREFULLY AND SKILLFULLY INSERTED. BLUE FRONT A Pointer G. W. C rowson is “in it”—the fruit business—again this year. If you desire a “square deal” on your fruit crop (or what there is of it) see him before completing arrangements for © © • • o • • MRS. W. P. PARSONS. Bread, Pies, Cakes, etc. Fresh Eastern Oysters. o $3.00 PER DOZEN At the “Larson” During the Remainder of June • oidstaiT.5