The Ashland Advertiser. 1776. Race between Bicyclists and Horsemen for liberal purse. Course will be from Boulevard corner to Normal School and return, distance about 2*4 miles. Music during the dav will be furnished by the unrivalled Ashland Band, under the leadership of Prof. O. O. Helman. Grand Illuminated Bicycle Parade »n early evening. 1896. Published Every Wednesday. Monarch of the Amateurs. E ditor , . . P ublisher , P roprietor . — TERMS. — Subscription, One Year,................. $.50. “ Six Months,.................. 25. Sample copies mailed freely. Advertising rates, Made known upon Discounts,.......... application. Terms to Agents, t^TAll ads., notices, etc., when not paid in advance, run until ordered out. Entered at the post-office at Ashland, Oregon, as second-class matter. P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER AD- vertising Agent, 21 Merchant’s Exchange, San Francisco, is our author­ ized agent. The A dvertiser is kept on file in his office. 1 The “ADVERTISER” lias the Largest Circulation of any Amateur Newspaper in the World. ASHLAND,...........WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1896 LOCAL SQUIDS. Fish every Thursday at Poley & Co’s. Company D, O. N. G., rifle range will soon be in shape for target practice. ^I^Remember us for J ob P rinting . Hard wood for sale. Leave orders at the A dvertise office. A freezer of ice cream was stolen from the W. R. C. social at the residence of J. H. Pratt, on Spring street, last Friday evening. The W. C. T. U. will give a grand Fourth of July dinner in the Opera building. White labor only at the Ashland Steam Laundry. A number of the citizens of Ashland were cleaning up the Chautauqua grounds yesterday. Don’t forget to call around when you want anything in the Job Printing line. We turn out, without exception , the best work in the city at the lowest price. Virgin’s Granulated Patent Flour— seldom equalled; never excelled. If you don’t read the A dvertiser , you don’t get half the news. Subscribe. For quick, first-class service, go to the Ashland Steam Laundry. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mail orders solicited. The eagle will scream louder in Ash­ land this Fourth of July than it ever did before. All are invited to come and en­ joy themselves. Millfeed $12.50 per ton, wholesale; $14.00 per ton, retail, at Ashland Mills. The place to buy fire crackers and fire­ works of all kinds is at Bert Sayles’. Plain washing 25 cents per dozen at the Ashland Steam Laundry. The Bimetallic League, of Ashland, met in the city hall last Saturday eve­ ning. There were less than a dozen people present, consequently, not a very lively meeting was had. FOURTH ° f JULY -^^Celebration A GRAND BALL —IN— ASHLAND, : OREGON, Under the Auspices of the Firemen. GENERAL OUTLINE OF PROGRAM. President of the Day, Hon. C. B. Wat­ son, of Ashland. Vice Presidents, Hon. W. I. Vawters, of Medford, Hon. W. M. Colvig, of Jack­ sonville, W.C. Lee ver, of Central Pt. Orator of the Day, Hon W. S. Crowell, of Medford. Reader, Miss Agnes Devlin, of Jackson­ ville. Grand Marshal, G. W. Dunn. Aids, J. E. Pelton, G. W. Barron, G. S. Butler. Salute of thirteen guns at sunrise. A GREAT PARADE. The parade will form at 9:30 a . m . in the following order^s near as practica ble: Ashland Band. Company D., O. N. G. Cadets, Companies A, B and C. Artillery Company A. Ashland Hose Company No. 1. Ashland Hose Company No. 2. Orator, Reader and Officers of the Day in carriages. G. A. R. float, follow ed by floats of other socities. Public and Normal School floats. Oregon float. Display of the different merchants and trades. Citizens in carriages and on foot. TABERNACLE PROGRAM. Music, Ashland Band. Invocation. Vocal Music—Trio—“To Thee, O Coun­ try,” Ashland Lady Quartet. Music, Ashland Band. Reading Declaration of Independence, Miss Agnes Devlin. Vocal Music — Solo and Trio — “Old Glory,” Ashland Lady Quartet. Oration, Hon. W. S. Crowell. Vocal Music, Ashland Lady Quartet. Benediction. AMUSEMENTS. The afternoon exercises will include a long string of interesting and thrilling amusements. At three o’clock will take place the GRAND BURLESQUE PARADE and the Grand Mammoth Band of 25 pieces will be heard for the first time by the delighted listeners; also, in the par­ ade will be the troupe of Performing Minstrels, w ho will give a free exhibi­ tion. Following these will come a great band of Wild Comanche Warriors in full war paint and celebrating a recent vic­ tory in the style of savagery. The bur­ lesque parade will be a feature of the day and contain many new and interest­ ing attractions. i Will be given in the evening at the Opera House, under the auspices of the Firemen. Music by Helman’s Ashland Orchestra. Supper will be served at Hotel Oregon. Tickets $2 per couple, including supper; spectators 25c. Floor Director,— J. Edw’. Thornton. Floor Managers—F. D. Wagner, S. G. Eggers, H. S. Evans, A. L. Helman, C. C. Chit­ wood. The grand march will liegin at 9 o’clock sharp. The people from far and wide are in­ vited to come to Ashland and partake freely of the entertainment of the day. Fine picnic grounds, pure cold water, all free as air. A most attractive literary and musical program, interesting amuse­ ments and a general good time promised all around. Reduced railroad rates for those who desire to come by train. Train will arrive in Ashland aliout 9:00 a . m . and leave about 11:30 p. m . Firemen’s Executive Committee in charge of the Celebration—F. D. Wag­ ner, H. J. Hicks, H. S. Evans, G. W. Vaupel, J. Edw. Thornton. The stock-holders of the creamery i that is to be established in Ashland held a meeting in the council rooms last night. The transactions consisted in organizing the company and the appoint­ ment of two committees—one, to investi­ gate grounds for the location of the creamery, and the other a building com­ mittee. Work has now lieen commenced on the Ashland-Klamath Falls wagon road. A crew* of aliout fifteen men left here yesterday to w'ork on the road. G. M. Grainger is superintending the construc­ tion. The w’ages paid the men are $1.00 per day, and board. Committees from the several young people’s societies, of Ashland, met last evening to make arrangements for the union meeting to be held Sunday eve­ ning, July 12, in the Chautauqua build­ ing. At a meeting of the Encampment committee last Saturday night, the date of the 1896 Encampment was set at Aug­ ust 10-15. It will be held in Ashland. The “pupils of the Deestrict Skeul” are to have a reunion to-night at the home of Mrs. Force, on Spring street. A party of tw’elve young people will ascend Grizzly Peak to-morrow’. The Strike Declared off. The strike of the fishermen along the Columbia river has been declared off, the strikers seeing that persistence in their demands could profit them nothing and they were losing money everv hour. RACES FOR BOYS, The troops—1st Regiment, O. fl. G.— RACES FOR GIRLS, were ordered home, arriving at their RACKS FOR MEN, armory Monday morning. The waiting with Cash Prizes for each. orders of the different companies of the Egg Gathering Contest, Sack Racing, state* have been annulled. Thus, the Jumping, Rope Climbing, Etc., for O. N. G. has demonstrated its authority which liberal prizes will be given. and usefulness quietly and satisfactorily.