Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1896)
1776.—GRAND FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION IN ASHLAND THIS TEAR. %• Program ol the Day on Second Page-1896. The Ashland Advertiser. Honarch of the Amateurs. ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1896. VOL. IV. NO. 14. MEDFORD COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES. The Graduates of the Class of *96 are Present ed with Diplomas. ANG! Fourth of July ANGI ANGM The commencement exercises of the class of 1896, of the Medford high school, were held in the opera house in that place last Friday evening, lx?ginning at is coming, and Fire Crackers delight Young eight o’clock. The hall was crowded full. : The stage was tastefully decorated with America. We have CRACKERS, large choice flowers. The class motto, “Au- and small, in any quantity, at the lowest daces fortuna juvat,” the letters formed of evergreen, was suspended in an arch prices. al>ove the neatly arranged stage. The object of the class was: “Our country, our whole country, and nothing but our country,” and all the orations of the Sky Rockets, Roman Candles, Pin Wheels, graduates were illustrative of the class ■ object. The performances of the young Colored Lights, Japanese Lanterns, Tissue people were such that they may lx? ' Festooning, EVERYTHING for decoration proud of, and showed that their diplo mas were earned by hard effort. and celebration. Reunion of the class in 1916 was a l prophetic farce, a period of twenty years Fine Fresh Line iFL.Y Confectionery. Ice supposing to have elapsed, the graduates i ------------------------------- Cold Drinks in \3r1ety. meeting to “spend the evening,” and, in the course of the conversation, the do ings of each during the twenty years BERT SAYLES’ CANDY STORE, 0 were told. OPPOSITE ASHLAND HOTEL. 0 There were eight graduates in the class, Zoa E. Bruns, W. L. Cameron, j Helen Holtan, L. May Phipps, Ida H. Weaver, F. M. White, Edith M. White and W. W. Ferguson. Money in Farming. undoubtedly commit violence The program rendered was as follows: upon the men who are flow fishing if the PROGRAM—PART I. protection should be removed, and it is It is a notable fact that all farming in Overture, “Nugget Nell,”............... Band thought that a force will lx* required terests improve where it is possible to Invocation along the river for some time yet. utilize the water that the wells on the Class Song, “At the Threshold,” ... The catches of fish are very large this place will produce. How few people ... ...L lass of 96 year, and the idle strikers are losing a think of the value of water for irrigation, Is Patriotism Declining in America? great deal of money, for which they will and what could be produced at a mini ............................ .Zoa E. Bruns never receive any satisfaction. mum cost if it were used. The question America’s Demands in Education,.. has been heretofore how to get the water ....... ........................... W. L. Cameron Annual Ros« Carnival. to the surface economically, and this has America in Invention, ... Helen Holtan lyen accomplished by the use of Gaso Cause of America’s Success,............ line or Kerosene Oil Gas Engine manu ....................................L. May Phipps The ladies of the Trinity Guild are Octet, “Peasant Wedding March,” . preparing for their annual Rose Carni factured by Palmer and Rev Type .. ........................................... Teachers val. It is the intention to make this a Foundry. 405 Sansome street, San Fran America’s Resources,.... Ida H. Weaver county offair and give our neighl>ors an cisco, California. Arbitration Instead of War,........... opportunity to have the young lady of His Nomination Celebrated. .............. F. M. White their choice crowned. American Literature,. ..Edith M. White 1 The voting places in Ashland will l»e Become enthusiastic over the nomina Our Country’s Future,..W. W. Ferguson at P. W. Paulson’s, G. W. Vaupel’s and tion of Wm. McKinley, the republicans Presentation of Diplomas,................ Hotel Oregon, where all are invited to of Ashland expressed their approval last ............................ Hon. W. H. Parker vote for their Queen at five cents a vote. Friday night by firing the anvil and Parting Class Song,................Class of ’96 Further particulars later. All com otherwise waking the echoes. Of course PART 11. munications from neighboring towns, there were present tlie usual number of Reunion of Class—............................ regarding voting, etc., should be ad “politicians” who thought the wrong ..................... Medford, June 19,1916 dressed to the secretary, Mrs. Luella man had l>een placed in nomination and From Ashland, young people to the Rogers, Ashland, Oregon. advised those who were celebrating to number of about thirty-five attended the “wait until after election.” Creamery Shares Sold. exercises. Fireworks The Strike Situation. While everything is quiet along the Columbia, it is the presence of the troops that makes it so. The militia are patrol ling the river, protecting the fishermen that are at work. Part of the regiment will probably be withdrawn, but an ample force will be retained to preserve the peace. The union-fishermen would Advertised Letter List. All of the shares required, and some List of letters remaining uncalled for more, have been sold for the Ashland in the Ashland, Oregon, Post Office, creamery, and it will be but a short time June 22, 1896: until the building is erected and the Hurd, W. E., Porter, O. T., machinery startea in operation. The Serwe, J. E., (2) Swenny, B., people of Ashland have made a good Wade, B. H., Wong, Quong. move. Persons calling for same will please In Siskiyou county, there are four say “advertised.” creameries running to their fullest ca W. H. B runk , P. M. pacities.