The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, June 10, 1896, Image 1

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The Ashland Advertiser.
Monarch of the Amateurs.
A n E xplanation .—The Graduating
Exercises of the Normal School will be
held in the Chautauqua Building next
Thursday morning, June 11, at 10
o’clock, instead of in the evening, as an­
nounced in last week’s A dvertiser .
An Interesting Contest-—Medals Awarded to
Misses Dodge and Gregory.
The first event of its kind in Ashland
—the Oratorical Contest—by members
of the Junior and Senior Classes of the
Normal was held in the Chautauc ua
Building last Saturday evening. The at­
tendance was large, the building being
comfortably filled. The prizes were won
by Miss Rosa Dodge, in the Senior con­
test, and Miss Edith Gregory, in the
Junior contest.
Following is the program:
junior contest .
Piano Duet,. ..“The Jolly Blacksmiths,”
Misses Thomas and Whitney.
“The Bride of the Desert,”.......Howard, j
Lester Newton.
“The Confessional,”.......................Story,
Carrie George.
“Lord William,”....................... Southey,
Victor Mayer.
“A Tale of the Atlantic Coast,”. .Anon.,
Edith Gregory,
senior contest .
Vocal Solo, “The Birds have been Sing­
ing About You,”... .Mae Grainger.
“Zingarella,” The Gypsy Flower Girl,
McDowell,.................... Rosa Dodge.
“The Children of Bonnet Rouge,” Hugo,
John A. Harvey.
“The Deathbed of Benedict Arnold,”
Lippard,................ Theresa Bryant.
Quartet, “Afloat on the Bounding Tide,”
Misses Thomas and Foster, Messrs.
Cornutt and Harvey.
Decision of Judges and awarding Medals.
Lester Newton was the first contest­
ant introduced to the audience. He de­
serves especial compliment on his
gestures, which were executed with an
ease and grace that could not but com­
mand admiration.
Miss Carrie George’s “The Confession­
al” next received the attention of the
audience. Miss George delivered her
piece in true romantic style, highly
pleasing to her listeners.
“Lord William,” by Victor Maver,
followed, and in delivery, was hard to
surpass. Victor is a good orator, grace­
ful in his movements and impressive in
his speech.
Edith Gregory then presented to the
audience “A Tale of the Atlantic Coast,”
which won for her the Junior contest
prize. Miss Gregory delivered her re­
cital in the most acceptable and graceful
manner, faultlessly adapted to the piece.
The three contestants of the Senior
class—Rosa Dodge, Theresa Bryant and
NO. 12.
John A. Harvey—acquitted themselves
with almost uniform credit, the medal
being awarded to Miss Dodge, as “Zin- A Good Programme Well Rendered to a Full
garella,” the Gvpsie Flower Girl.
Each participant in the contests has
just cause to feel proud of his efforts,
The opera house was well filled last
and Prof. Vining may be equally proud Friday
night in attendance at the A. A.
of his class in elocution.
A. entertainment, the proceeds of which
go to fit up a gymnasium in Ashland.
Normal Commencement.
The program rendered was the one given
below. The acting, throughout, was
Commencement week of the Normal uniformly good. The character song by
School began last Friday,Class Day. In H. L. Sayles receives comment as having
the afternoon, exercises were held on the made a “great hit.” In the last play,
an amusing political “drive” was well
Saturday was Field Day, but it was launched: • • • • “Who’s the sheriff?”
impossible to arrange with any of the “Do you know Hunt?” “Yes.” “Well,
other schools in the valley for sports, ’tis n’t he.”
consequently the Elocutionary Contest
was the event of the day.
Consolation,.................... Stephen Kelly,
Sunday morning, G. M. Irwin, Supt.
Caroline B. Herrin.
of Public Instruction, delivered the Bac­
calaureate Sermon to the class. In the
evening, the Annual Address was given Mr. Samuel Jordan,
a vain “young,” old
by Pres. P. L. Campbell, of the Mon­
A. C. Dixon.
mouth Normal.
Exercises of the Department of Music
with a consuming passion,.......
were held Monday evening.
Waldo Klum.
Tuesday evening was devoted to Pro­ Marcus Brass,
an eccentric theatrical
gram of Bellview Lyceum.
Edw. Thornton.
To-night, (Wednesday) Lecture before Helen Jordan, “with a J. heart,
a soul, for
Bellview and Excelsior Literary Socities
bv Pres. C. H. Chapman, of the State Clarinda Hastings, who “does Walrad.
University, Eugene.
making the lords of creation redicu-
lous,............................... Maud Gallant.
Investigate and be Convinced.
Lucy, a pert and positive maid,(“I know
it, sir, I am sure of it, sir”).......
At the present time, when low prices
Kittie Million.
prevail, the farmer, orchardist or vine- Indian Club .....................
Drill, by ten young ladies
yardist who handles his routine work,
direction of Prof. O. A.
as well as his crop, the most cheaply
and expediently, is the man who shows
Characteristic old Darkey.
the best profit for the year. It therefore Plantation
Song,.... ....... H. L. Sayles,
follows that since the Ajax Coal Oil Gas
Engine is the latest, best and cheapest Scarf Drill, by by ten Blanche
young ladies under
power abtainable, that Palmer & Key,
leadership of Mrs. C. A. Hitchcock.
San Francisco, Cal., are in a position to Valse,
............................................ Chopin,
help you add materially to the net profit
Caroline B. Herrin.
of your ranch. Investigate and l>e con­
A Rollicking Operette,
“ O n B read and W ater .”
May Call on nilitla.
Evangeline, an awful naughty school
S alem , Ore., June 6.—Colonel H. E.
girl,....................... Carolyne D. Roper.
Mitchell arrived in Salem to-day, direct Piperton, an eccentric musician,..
from Astoria, and stated to the governor
... * ••.•••••■ A. C . Dixon.
the situation caused by the striking fish­ Miss Bartels, a cross, school inarm,
............... Miss Mary Silsby.
ermen on the Lower Columbia. Colonel
Mitchell believes if action by competent Siberlachlein,..................Fritz Sprindly,
Caroline B. Herrin.
authority is delayed, the loss of valuable
property and bloodshed will ensue. The
The net proceeds of the entertainment
governor accompanied Colonel Mitchell were about forty dollars.
to Portland, where the advisability of
Wanted--At Otho, Iowa.
dispatching troops to the seat of trouble
will be further considered.—Oregonian.
Alfred Linstrom. a Swedish descend­
Advertised Letter List.
ant, aged 29 years. He went to Wash­
ington eight years ago, and later to
List of letters remaining uncalled for Portland, Oregon, and has not been
in the Ashland, Oregon, Post Office, heard from for four years. His aged
June 8, 1896:
mother is very anxious to know if he is
Barr, Mrs. Rosa, Smith, Miss Liza, living. Any information leading to his
Hobbs, Frank, Cole, Mr. and Mrs. W. whereabouts will be kindly received by
Persons calling for same will please Charles Linstrom, Otho, Webster
say “advertised.”
county, Iowa.
W. H. B runk , P. M.
Other papers please copy.