Druggist. — Stationer. Eugene A. Sherwin, Bookseller. Druggist. 1 w PERSONAL. —L. V. Costel, of Medford, was in town last Friday. —Rev. C. A. Stine returned from Grant’s Pass Monday. —Rev. Rolx»rt McLean came up from , Grant’s Pass yesterday. —Mrs. Chas. Homes returned from Gold Hill on yesterday’s train. —Buel Hildreth left Monday for the Hicks mine on the Cottonwood. I —Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Young, of Gold Hill, arrived in Ashland yesterday. —Mrs. Lydia Griswold returned from i her visit to Grant’s Pass last Saturday. —Geo. R. Hargadine and family went i down to Grant’s Pass Sunday evening for a visit of a week or two. —Mrs. Margaret Lindsey returned from Fresno, Cal., yesterday. With her, came Miss Anna Williamson. —C. B. Crisler returned Monday eve­ ning from a business trip to Grant’s J‘ass and other points down the valley. —J. H. Booth , of the S. P. D. A L. t Co., of Grant’s Pass, was in Ashland j last Friday, doing business with Virgin & Co. —J. E. Crowson, wife and daughter arrived last Friday from St. Charles, Minnesota. They will make Ashland their home. —G. F. Burton and family passed through Ashland Sunday enroute from Trask to Tennessee, having sold their toll road and desiring to find a dryer cli­ mate. Mr. Burton informed us that it had rained every day but one since last November at Trask. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ftft ft ft ft ft ftftft ftft ft ftft ft ft ft ft ftftft ftft ft ftftft Aftftft ftftft ftftft EAR IN MIND i Tt1AT Wm. Hevener • • • Can Save You Money ROCERIES. —O n JO THE CITIZENS OF ASHLAND. I am now prepared to do a G eneral D raying B usiness and solicit your patronage. Leave orders at Wm. Hevener’s Grocery •* and they will receive prompt attention. All work done in a sat­ isfactory manner. -— • • • • City Council Proceedings. AdTertised Letter List. MARCH 2, 1896. List of letters remaining uncalled for in the Ashland, Oregon, Post Office, ebruary 1<, 1896: Addington, M., Blom, E. W., Glättst in e, Joe, Ehost, O., Spencer, B. S. Home?, C. E., Persons calling i • same will please say “advertised.” W. 1 . B runk , P. M. All members present except C. B. Crisler and Recorder, Milton Berry. C. B. Watson was appointed recorder for the meeting. Usual reports of city officers were read and approved. A renuest of H. J. Hicks to I m » allowed to build a furnace for roasting ore at the quartz mill was granted under the con­ dition that, in the roasting of the Bellview School Meeting. ore, no chemicals injurious to vegetation are used. At a meeting of the voters of Bellview The committee to consider the advisa­ School District No. 73, Wm. Loomis was bility of complying with the request of elected clerk and G. C. Coy director to citizens to move the Thompson and the serve three years. Logan buildings back into line with the other buildings in the same block re­ ported that, as the buildings in question were on the owners’ property, the coun­ cil could not order them moved. A petition, signed by 219 legal voters, was presented by F. M. Stephenson for a saloon license, which was granted. The Council decided to retain L. L. Gilliert as nightwatchman until further notice. I GEORGE. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A HINHAN, Jr., D. D. S., office : MASONIC BUILDING, UPSTAIRS, ASHLAND, - OREGON. PAINLESS EXTRACTION. DR. C. W. BARR, DENTIST, I. O.O.F. BUILDING. ALL KINDS OF FILLINGS CAREFULLY AND SKILLFULLY INSERTED. Opposite Hotel Oregon.