The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, February 26, 1896, Image 2

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    The Ashland Advertiser.
Published Every Wedn sday.
flonarch of the Amateurs.
E ditor , . .
P ublisher ,
P roprietor .
— TERMS. —
Subscription, One Year,.. ..
Six Months,. .
Sample copies mailed freely.
Advertising rates,
Terms to Agents,
Made known upon
tSTAll ads., notices, etc , when not
paid in advance, run until ordered out.
Entered at the post-office at Ashland,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
vertising Agent, 21 Merchant’s
Exchange, San Francisco, is our author­
ized agent. The A dvertiser is kept on
file in his office.
The •■ADVERTISER” has the Largest Circulation
of any Paper of its Class.
26, 1896.
If there’s a hole in a’ your coats,
I rede ye tent it;
A chiel’s amang ye takin’ notes,
And faith he ’ll prent it.
—B urns .
T. K. Roberts, the founder of the
Gold Hill Miner, has disposed of his in­
terest in the paper to his partner, E. E.
Phipps, who will continue the publica­
tion of the sheet as a Peoples Party
The A dvertiser wishes the new’ man­
agement success.
There exists betw’een Ashland mer­
chants and townspeople a lack of co-
operation from which no benefit can
possibly be gained. The merchants are
most rigidly opposed to the people send­
ing out of town for anything, but they
never stop to think that the merchants
themselves are to be blamed. Instead
of buying certain articles of commerce
from our home people, they send off for
them because they can buy them some­
what cheaper. Vegetables and dairy
products come under this head. As a
natural consequence, the importation
effects the price of the home article,
and our home people, unable to find a
satisfactory market for their products at
home, are disinclined to patronize home
merchants when they can do as well or
better elsewhere.
If home merchants would make it a
point to find a market for home pro­
ducts, home people would try to make a
market for the other things that the
merchants have to sell, and, in this way,
local business would increase.
Central Point Pointers.
Fish every Friday at Poley & Gris­
A light shower fell last night, clearing
the atmosphere.
Plain washing 25 cents per dozen at
I the Ashland Steam Laundry.
If you don’t read the A dvertiser , you
don’t get half the news. Subscribe.
B orn .—In Ashland, Mondav, Febru-
i ary 24, 1896, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pat­
terson, a daughter.
F or S ale .—Coal, in any quantity.
Emil Peil, Blacksmith.
The Ashland Steam Laundry is put­
ting in a Tutthill water wheel with
which to run the machinery.
¿jST" Remember us for J ob P rinting .
The appearance of the hose cart of Co.
2 has been much improved by a coat of
yellow paint.
Millfeed $12.50 per ton, wholesale;
$14.00 per ton, retail, at Ashland Mills.
The classes of the High School are
having examination this week.
Hani wood for sale. Leave orders at
the A dvertise office.
W anted .—A situation to do any kind
Normal School Notes.
of honorable work. Ik» not object to go­
ing into the country. M rs . E. G raves ,
the Ashland House.
Dr. Taylor, of La Center, Washington,
ood DEERE Bicycles and Plows cheap lor
visited the school Monday.
cash. Just received hi B. F. Reeser’s
The bi-weekly lecture will be given in Hardware
Store. More corning.
the chapel next Sunday afternoon,
For quick, first-class service, go to the
Mareh 1, at 2:30 o’clock.
Ashland Steam Laundry. Satisfaction
Mrs. Swinden and Miss Millie Sill guaranteed. Mail orders solicited.
were visiting their sisters, Dot tie Day
and Eva Sill, the first of the week.
The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Con­
church will give a fine social
Mr. O. B. Miles, a teacher from Mar­
ion county, is visiting bis brother. Prof. next Friday evening, February 28.
Glorious time ! Every bo ly come !
T. W. Miles, of the Commercial depart­
The six-horse road scraper is at work
The first foot ball team of the Normal on the streets of Ashland.
will play the Eagle Point team next Sat­
Emil Peil, doctor of sick ¡»lows, etc.
urday, February 29, at Eagle Point.
The Eagle Point team w ill pay expenses.
Don’t forget to call around when you
want anything in the Job Printing line.
R. E. P orter .
We turn out, without exception , the
work in the city at the lowest price.
Washington’s Birthday.
Weber’s Dramatic Company perform*
ed here tw’O nights to full houses.
Mrs. C. Morris and her daughter,
Mae, were visiting Miss Mary Jacobs
Monday evening.
Mrs. Mary Jacobs, who has been stay­
ing in Ashland for several weeks, re-
turned home on Sunday’s train.
Rev. E. E. Thomas, of Medford, occu­
pied the pulpit in the M. E. church,
Rev. Blackwell filling his regular ap­
pointment in the eveniny.
Messrs. Rumble and Jones, two men
formerly of Klamath county, will soon
open up a saloon in this place.
There is one too many here already.
Prof. J. C. Barnard, assistant princi­
pal of this school, will teach a school on
Trail Creek during the summer. His
wife, nee Mrs. I. M Nichols, the photo-
grapher, will accompany him and con­
tinue her work in that line.
Rev. S. B. Chastain, a former pastor
of the Baptist church of this place, gave
us a call one day last week. He leaves
for Lakeview this week to resume his
charge in the pastorial work there and
also at Alturas ami Lake City, receiving
eight hundred dollars for the coming
Washington’s Birthday, last Saturday,
was duly observed in Ashland. The day
was ushered in by the firing of cannon.
The forenoon was occupied by the foot
ball game. In the aiternoon, the follow­
ing program was rendered in Ganiard’s
Opera House:
Reading,—Miss Rosa Dodge.
Address,—M. F. Eggleston.
Trio,—Misses Silsby ami Mrs Chris­
Address,—C. B. Watson.
Solo,—Miss Thomas.
Oration,—Irving Vining.
Recitation,—Miss Bertha Williams.
Address,—C. A. Hitchcock.
TheG.A.R. furnished the evening’s
entertainment with a box supper and
the following program:
Music,—Miss Maud Gallant.
Recitation,—Miss Susie Homes.
“Tom IChumb,”—Master Poley.
Vocal Duet,—Misses Tiffany and Min­
Recitation,—Miss Day.
Vocal Trio,—Messrs. Comutt.
Recitation,—Miss Isabel Ross.
Flag Drill,—The “Old Boys.”
The Ladies of the Baptist Church will
hold a sociable and serve a supper at the
old Bolton stand this Wednesday eve­
ning, February 26.
Supper, fifteen
cents. Everyl>ody invited to come ami
have a good time ami a big supper.
T he L adies .
White labor only at the Ashland
Steam Laundry.
There were about forty maskers at the
ball last Friday night.
We are informed that Ray Satehwell
and Mrs. A. Wilkinson were married in
Salem last Friday evening, February 21,
1896, at the M. E. parsonage.
J. R. Casey, Horticultural Commis­
sioner for 3d District, is visiting all the
orchards in his district, waging war on
the scale. He reports some orchards
very badly infected with the pests. All
orchardmen are willing to spray, but
most of them, having no spraying out-
tits and not wishing to go to the expense
of buying them, are desirous of hiring
their spraying (lone. Thus, there is an
opening for someone to make some
money during the next month or tw’o.