The Ashland Advertiser. Monarch of the Amateurs. . VOL. III. 1 1 —L1.'. . X-i 1 !■ 1 ,1! _ ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY, OREOON, WMNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 1896. STEAM LAUNDRY IN ASHES. those of less value than the dollar, and ANOTHER LOSS TO MEBFORD. Her StMMB Landry Burned to the Oronnd Last Wednesday Night. Wednesday evening at about 6:15 an alarm of fire was sounded and as usually the case a goodly portion of Medford’s population soon lined the streets. The fire was at the Medford steam Laundry’, and before the fire department arrived the building, and such of its contents that could not be removed in a very few minutes, was a total loss. The laundry had on hand an extra large amount of work—the largest in its history, and the dry room was filled to its fullest capaci ty. This room is heated from the steam Boiler in the wash room and it is sup posed that the fire originated where the pipe from the boiler passe 1 through the partition No sooner was the fire discovered than a number of men rushed to the burning building and succeeded in removing the ironing machine and several other smaller utensils, and laundry to the amount of $30 or $40. The boiler and engine were not damage«I to a very great extent, though the loss of tubs, vats, shelving, materials and minor fixtures will foot up about $250. Add to this the value of the building—which is about $150, of which Mr. Wigle owned a part— and about $150 in clothes, Mr. Wigle’s I0R8 will foot up about $500, upon which there was no insurance. The fire boys responded with great promptness, but building being an old one, quite small and exceedingly dry, was soon beyond all control. Mr. Wigle is taking steps toward opening up the laundry again soon, provided a suitable building can be secured.—Medford Mail. are a legal tender for ten dollars only. A dollar of subsidiary silver coin does not contain as much silver as the Standard dollar. Nickel and copper coins are legal tender for amounts up to twenty-five cents, and you cannot make your postmaster take more than this amount in payment for postage stamps if he refuses to do so. There is no National Bank in Jackson county, the three banks in this county are all private banks, and from this fact, we may infer that the National bank does not possess any advantage over private banks in the judgement of finan ciers of this county. Are You Satisfied? NO. 40. Quarterly Examination. List of applicants for teachers’ certifi cates at the Quarterly examination that commenced February 12, 1895: Alfie Freed, A. J. Ailed, Cora Rogers, Ella Williams, Fannie Donegan, Louise Ganier, Marie Cottrell, Edith Van Dyke, Nora Lydon, Cora Kontz, Annie Rodschon, Olah Mickey, Archie C. Fries, Ethel Maxwell, Anna Clements, W. D. Coffer, Wm. V. Cowan, Anna R. Snyder, Eddie 01 well, Myrtella Black, Ella Benson, Mirtie Nichols, Lelia Anderson, Mary Choffey, L. C. Merrit, Mattie Carter, Katie Fries, D. P. Merrit, M. J. Merrit, Allie Carter, Olena Holeman, Morton Newton, Emma Reed, Maudie Dow’ning, Lizzie Stidham, Mollie Ray, Emma Rinch, Willie Grieves, Katie Buckley, Nellie Leiver, Kittie Kirklin, Lillie Temple, Harriett Minthord. If you need water only when the wind blows; if you are satisfied to utilize but a small fraction of the water in your well; if you prefer heavy damages for re pairs after each storm in Winter, by all means use a windmill; but if you want w’ater at any time, and up to the full ca pacity of your well, put in an Ajax Coal K. O. T. M. Celebration. Oil Gas Engine, the latest thing in me chanics, an engine that uses common coal oil for fuel, and is built by the well Granite Tent, No. 4, K. O. T. M., cel known firm of Palmer A Rey,*San Fran ebrated their third anniversary ‘in ap cisco, California. propriate style last Wednesday night. There were 176 people present. The orator of the evening being absent, the Annual School Meeting. following program liegan the pleasantry of the evening : The annual School Meeting of Ashland “America,”—by all. School District No. 5 will be held in the Recitation,—by Miss Maud Gallant. City Hall, at 4:00 o’clock, p. m ., the first Music by Band. Monday in March, being March 2. The Recitation,—by Miss Ida Sayle. object of the meeting is to elect one di Song,—the “O. P. R. A.” rector to serve three years and a clerk to Music by Band. serve one year. Immediately following the program This meeting is of especial interest to was the lap supper, after which a soci every citizen of Ashland and attendance able time was nad. should be as large as possible. Medford Again Threatened. Met with an Accident. New Truck Line. Last Thursday, Ray Hevener, the little son of Chas. Hevener, met with an accident on the South School grounds that required the sendee of a physician’s needle. The accident occurred at the morning recess. Ray was running around the corner of the school house and, encountering some one running in the opposite direction, was thrown a- gainst the sharp corner of the building, cutting, to the Irone, a gash about two inches long just above the left eye. Dr. J. S. Parsons closed the cut with five stitches. A new transfer line has been started in Ashland. Lawrence George is the proprietor, and, having a fine new truck, is prepared to do all kinds of draying on short notice. Give him a trial ; he is sure to please you. Be sure to reati his new advertisement on third page. Advertised Letter List. An attempt was made last Thursday night to burn the warehouse of A. A. Davis, the Medford miller. The fire was discovered about twelve o’clock, by the city marshal, who, with the assistance of others, succeeded in subduing the blaze that had, to all appearances, been in progress but a short time. The “fire-bug” chose the west side of the building for the starting point of liis fiendish work, for a strong scent of tur pentine indicates that the fire sprung irom no accidental origin. List of letters remaining uncalled for An Open Letter. in the Ashland, Oregon, Post Office, February 17, 1896: United States Currency. Esry, Miss Ella, Howe, Albert, E., Central Point, Fed. 15, 1896. Smith, D. G. Editor A dvertiser :— U. S. Standard Silver dollars are a The lecture given by D. H. Hawkins Persons calling for same will please legal tender for all debts, public and pri say “advertised.” last Friday night was doubtless one of vate, without limitation as to the a- the most eloquent appeals ever made to W. H. B runk , P.M. mount, but all written contracts must the citizens of Southern Oregon for a lie paid in the article named in the con wise and pure citizenship. Mr. Haw If you don’t read the A dvertiser , you kins is able both as an orator and phil tract. Subsidiary or token silver coins are don’t get half the news. Subscribe. osopher. A S ubscriber .