Druggist. Stationer. Eugene A. Sherwin, Stationer. Druggist. • = PERSONAL. —Max Pracht went to Portland Sun­ day. —J. H. Pratt returned from Pokegama Thursday. —R. 8. Barclay was up from Talent yesterday. —Mose Alford,of Medford, was in Ash­ land last Thursday. —E. A. Sherwin made a business trip to Portland Sundav. • —E. E. Miner, of Medford, paid Ash­ land a visit yesterday. —Leonard Kaiser aud his sister re­ turned to Yreka Sunday. —James Thornton returned from In­ dependence last Saturday. —Jack Clark, a locomotive engineer on the Shasta division, is very sick. —Chas. Allman, formerly of Ashland, came down from Portland on Saturday’s fiver. —J. B. Robison, of Talent, went to Portland Sunday to take a course of Bible study. —State Printer W. H. Leeds and fam­ ily returned to Salem on Friday eve­ ning’s train. —Lawrence George has been confined to the house for the past few days with rheumatism. —E. J. Kaiser and his brother, Leon­ ard, went to Jacksonville last Friday, returning Sunday. —Chas. Palmer went to Jacksonville Friday evening to look after mining interests near that place. —J. B. Eddy and daughters, of Port­ land, were in Ashland last Friday. They returned home on the evening train I —Joe Million left for San Francisco Monday, to receive treatment for his eyes. lie was accompanied by D. F. Fox. —Miss Ollie Marksbury, one of the Normul Students, returned Sunday from her holiday visit at her home in Gold Hill. —Wm. Ulich, of the Medford Pork Packing Co., was on Sunday’s train re­ turning from a business trip toNorthern California. —F. M. Stevenson and wife have re­ cently arrived from Roseville Junction, California, and are now conducting the Ashland Hotel. —Prof. Berry of the Normal, went down to Central Point Friday evening, to be on hand to witness the foot ball game at that place, Saturday. —W. J. Virgin, of the Ashland Roller Flouring Mills, returned from California last Saturday. He reports a good de­ mand for the products of the mill. A ll K inds I of T inning and P lumbing D one to O rder on S hort N otice . I o ------------------ ------------------------------- DEALER IN Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, o REESER BLOCK, AstLland., Oregon. Y. M. H. A. Resolutions. At a special meeting of the Young Ashland, Oregon, Men’s Home Association, Jan. 6, the fol­ lowing resolutions were offered by J. L. Downing, and unanamously approved : 1. That, in consideration of the small Wood Turner & rvu