W. C. T. U. Sparks. |T’S HUMAN NATURE Ruin outwits alike the teacher, the man of business, the j>atriot and the leg­ islator.—Channing. — My liberty ends when it liegins to in­ volve the possibility of ruin to my neigh­ bor.—John Stuart Mill. ♦ ♦ VEAL, + To Buy WHERE BEST AND CHEAPEST The best thing in this Republic, next to liberty itself, is the labor of our peo­ ple.—Richard Cobden. I consider the temperance cause the foundation of all social and political re­ forms.—.Tames A. Garfield. This national crime is a thing that God will recken with, and I wish it may not lie on the nation a day longer than you have an apportunity to find a rem­ edy.—Oliver Cromwell. beef ’£? t £E aw i f • • Central Pleat flarket, • • Klum & Crisler, Prop’rs. ■*- Main Street, Ashland, Oregon. The man who says to you “you’re all right, but you can’t succeed,” is a cow­ Jake ard. He admit« that he is willing to do Nowak, I I I wrong, because he thinks the largest number of persons are wrongdoers ; that gKINS of all kinds of wild animals tan­ that it is all right to do wrong as long as ned and mounted in the best and it is popular to do so. The man who most workmanlike manner possible. says “you are all right, but you can’t BELOW CAMPS’ STUDIO. succeed” is a moral and political coward. MAIN STREET, Don’t pattern after him. The man who says “I’ILdo right though the heavens fall!” is the man to tie to. The . . 5kin Dresser. Hay, Flour, Feed, Etc. —«g B. C. R. F. Mil! Co.’s Feed Store. | â F Pioneer - Building. 3 . GREAT BLOOD . . Ashland Harket Reports. PRODUCE. Wheat, per pushel,.......... Flour, per thousand, .... Mill Feed, per ton,.......... Hay, cheat, “ “ grain, “ Shorts, “ Oats, per bushel................ Potatoes, per 100 lbs,,... << Onions, • • . Eggs, per dozen,............ Butter, per pound,........ . .50 $14.00 14.00 11.00 12.00 17.00 .30 @ 1.00 @ .60 .25 @ .50 @ .75 -50 .40 1 . Purifier . U OUR I NATIVE J. n. Hicks, rianager. HERBS 200 Days’Treatment, z . $1.00 • . z r < H. N. F orce , O n SALE !■ Mall Ordern Giren Prompt Attention. Agent. C. M. POLEY. DEALERS IN GROCERIES, - POULTRY, EGGS, FLOUR, FEED, @ .02 @ .02K @ .03 @ 3.00 @ .08 @ .12J¿ @ .10 @ .97 .12% .13 @ .08 @ .10 GRAIN, FRUITS, VEG ETABLES, ETC. —— I a . millsap ’ s “SCHILLING’S STAPLE GROCERIES. Sugar, granulateti, 16 lbs. for 1.00 “ extra C,..................... 17 granulated, per sack, 6.00 “ extra C, 5.50 Coffee, green, per pound,.25 @ .40 roasted, “ .25 @ .45 Rice, 14 lbs. for 1.00 L. GRISWALD. Poky A (iriswald, MEATS. Beef on foot, per jKHind- Cows,.. .01% Steers,. . .02 Hogs, on foot, per pound.02% Chickens, I>er dozen, . .2.75 Turkeys, per pound, . . . .06 u Steak, • • • • .10 ll Veal, .06 ll Mutton, .05 ll Bacon, • • • • ll Hams, • • • • It Shoulders, .07 tl • . • . Lard, .09 ♦ AOVtRTlStR OFFICE. w m. Hevener, flain Street. Dealer in • • • G roceries . old stand .