Stationer. Druggist. Eugene A. Sherwin, Stationer. PERSONAL. H. C. Hills is on the sick list. Mr. Pratt, the tailor, went to Poke- gama yesterday. Gus Newbury came up to Ashland on yesterday’s train. W. J. Virgin went South, yesterday, on a business trip. Audley Porter is home for a few week’s visit with his mother. L. V. May returned to his mine on the Cottonwood last Friday. Dr. Parsons and son, Fred, returned from San Francisco last Saturday. Miss Grace Turner, of Dunsmuir, ar­ rived Saturday, to visit her parents. Miss Emily and Mr. Leonard Kaiser, of Yreka, are paying their brother, E. J. Kaiser, a visit. Herman, “The Great,” wax on the de­ layed South-tound train last Saturday with his two show cars. Mrs. E. B. Christian and her father are now boarding at Mr. High’s. They will leave for California in about three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Max Pracht returned, Sunday, from an extended trip through­ out Europe in the interest of the Ameri­ can Winding Co. Anton Betz, of Spokane Falls, Wash­ ington, arrived in Ashland last Wednes­ day, and is cutting choice steaks at Klum & Crisler’s meat market. Aden, Bertram and Edward Spencer, Guert McCall and H. Hurn went to Gold Hill last Friday, to work out a mine as­ sessment. They returned Mom lay eve­ ning. Obituary. Carrie Bell Cowles was torn in New­ ton, Jasper Co., Iowa, August 28, 1872: came to Ashland with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Cowles, and lived here until her death. She was earlv en­ listed in church work, her skill ami love for music making her an efficient helper. She joined the Congregational church of this place March 25, 1888, and was active in the Surnlav School ami Christian En­ deavor until illness prevented. After a short trip to California, from which she derived no relief, she slowly sank until Sa tun lay, Decern tor 28, when she fell a- sleep. The night before she died, she drank some water, the swallowing caus­ ing pain. She put her hands together and said, “Oh, I love Jesus, and Jesus loves me.” The funeral services were held in the Congregational church at 2:00 p. m . Mon­ day. Rev. E. P. Childs, her pastor, and Rev. F. G. Strange, of the Presbyterian church, conducting the choir of the Presbyterian church, sang. Druggist. w Ashland Music Club Program Insurance of all Good Kinds For January 3, 1896. 1. Chorus. 2. Tenor Solo, 3. Chorus. in part I. - For ■W Reliable Companies, - J. A. McCall. at Low Rates, see G. F. Billings, INTERMISSION. PART II. • z Real Estate and Insurance, 4. Chorus. Before Insuring. 5. Soprano Solo, - Miss May Tiffany. 6. Chorus. A full attendance of members is de­ A sired to try some new music just received. . — Ashland, Oregon, List of Letter« Remaining uncalled for in the Ashland, Oregon, Post Office, Dec. 30, 1895: Bush, R. E., Prather, Enoch, Halt, G.W., King, Mike, Laming, Cap. E. J. Persons calling for same will please say “advertised.” • W. II. B runk , P. M. PAINLESS EXTRACTION. —— DR. C. W. BARR, . Wood Turner Ä CABINET 15— MAKER. MANZANITA WORK A SPECIALTY. Gavels, Canes^apL Bowls, Ornaments, Etc. . Anything in '*ne made‘° i i i i i i order at reasonable f — rates. — a f GUARANTEE THE BEST WORKMAMSHIP DENTIST, I. O. O. F. BUILDING. ALL KINDS OF FILLINGS CAREFULLY AND SKILLFULLY INSERTED. OUR LUCK. It is our luck to come in contact with prudent people, who use their money with care and make it bring best results. I f you send us this N otice , or refer to it plainly, we will send you with each order some one of the articles here men­ tioned. Read carefully. If wearing ap­ parel, give size. On purchases Below the amount of $1.00, 1 Calendar From $1 to $5, either 1 Handkerchief, 1 Aluminum Thimble, 1 Tooth Brush, 1 Harmonica. 1 Jewsharp, or Fancy Pin. From $5 to $10, 1 Initial Linen Hand­ kerchief, 1 Boy’s Knife, 1 pair Taffets or Wool Gloves or Mittens, 1 pair Colored Hose, or 1 Child’s Book. From $10 to $25, you get free, 1 pair of House Slippers—lady or child, 1 Laue Pin, 1 Girls’ or Boys’ Cap, 1 pair Scis­ sors, good, 1 Ladies’ Knife, 1 Gent’s Scarf, or I Silver Thimble. From $25 to $50, we send free, 1 pair of Handsome Bedroom Slippers, 1 Hand­ some Doll, 1 Daisy Bine, 1 Family Lamp. From $50 to $100, either I Boys’ Iron Express, 1 Ladies’ Bag, 1 Child’s Rock­ er, 1 Velocipede, to 8 years, 1 pair Bi­ cycle shoes. 1 No. 400 Album, or 1 Lad­ ies’ Homemade Wrapper. Be sure to enclose this clippings from T he A shland A dvertiser . We want to know how many of our patrons read it. S miths ’ C ash S toke , San Francisco, Cal. When You Are in Need of . Anything . HARDWARE - LINE,. CALL UPON B. F. Reeser, Reeser Block, A shland , - - OREGON I InsureYour property Will be r.iad _ • • In First-class Companies • • at Lowest Rates----- prank Hasty, • ••••• Real Estate & Insurance. Send 10c. and we will insert your MAIL liyy* name in our Ag’ts FOR YOU. • Directory and send you our Happy Fireside 6 months on trial free. You will get a big mail from all over the world. You will be well pleased for only 10 cents. Address, Fireside Directory, Pub’s ins. for same sp. Roxbury, Mass. BIGGEST