The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, January 01, 1896, Image 7

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    The Ashland Advertiser.
Published Every Wednesday.
flonarch of the Amateurs.
While loud praises are rung to the god
of this race,
Our true God, the I Am, hides his mer­
— TERMS. —
ciful face;
Subscription, One Year,.................. $.50.
Six Months,.................. 25. And then, lo: where the Madros in gran­
deur uprise,
Sample copies mailed freely.
Flame and smoke, outbursting, stretch
Advertising rates, Made known upon
their arms to the skies.
—Hush’d the song of the choir and the
Terms to Agents,
voice of the priest;
EW”A11 ads., notices, etc., when not Silent, all the people, e’en the highest
paid in advance, run until ordered out.
and least.—
Entered at the post-office at Ashland,
Now the thunder of Earthquake shakes
Oregon, as second-class matter.
altar and dome;
P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER AD- —All the gods of the Aztecs lie shattered
vertising Agent, 21 Merchant’s
and prone;
Exchange, San Francisco, is our author­
ized agent. The A dvertiser is kept on While the columns of marble and idols
file in his office.
of gold,
The “ADVERTISER” ha« the Largest Circulation Crash dire down ward, swift rending each
of any Paper of its Class.
ta pest rial fold.
To the cry of the people through thunder
ASHLAND,............. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 1, 1896.
and storm,
Malabaun is silent and heedless with
To-day, we greet you in our enlarged
form. Next issue our paper will be But the hot stones and bolides, which
batter the walls,
still larger. The foundry has our pat­
tern for a larger chase, 10)4x15^ inches All rebound upon Tallan’s fair gardens
and flow’rs.
to bo used for our paper, so that we can Where the rivers lavatic rush down to
print one whole side, or two pages at one
the walls;
impression. One whole side of this size The proud Temple of Virtue sways, top­
ples and falls,
is printed at one impression, but the
And the miser, in clutching his ill-gotten
pages are not quite “regulation size.”
Next week, they will lie the proper size, Vainly hopes to escape from the shrine
gulfing fold.
9x12 inches. With our new chase, we
will be able to print a solid form 10l/2x Now the walls of the city are shaken in
15)£ inches in size. Our press is the fin­
est job printing machine in Southern And the temples are sinking in sulphur­
ous rain;
Oregon, a 10x15 Chandler & Price Gor­
And the round Orb of Day sinks down
don, complete with throw-off and all
red to the West,
latest improvements and weighs 1800 And great Tallan lies crimson on Her­
tha’s hot breast.
pounds. It is, without exception, the
best press owned by any amateur paper. —Thus the voice of the winds moaning
soft a refrain,
Whispers oft of a shrine that lies hid in
a plain.
The city of Ashland is indeed very un­
appreciative of the benefits of the Ash­
land Foundry and Machine Shops in
Central Point Pointer.
operation near the Electric Light Plant.
The foundry and shops wrere located
Several new comers are located here
here without the request of a dollar bon­ for the Winter.
us, while an inducement of $20,000 was
M arried .—At the residence of the
’s parents, Dec. 24, by A. S. Jacobs,
offered by Portland for its location there,
P., A. W. Roach, of Ashland, and
and San Francisco offered a bonus of $15- J.
Miss Maud Slagle, of Central Point.
M arried .—In the Central Point Hotel,
When the proprietors of the foundry • Dec.
30, by A. S. Jacobs, J. P., James
ask that the survey of a street running W. Bates and Miss Jenny Jardon, both
to their shops be declared open, without of Medford.
a cent of expense to the city—the found­
M arried .—At the M. E. Parsonage,
ry offering to do the work—the modest in Jacksonville, Dec. 251, by Rev. W. B.
Moore, Prof. J. C. Barnard and Nrs. Isa­
request is refused.
Surely, the compliance with such a bella Nichols, both of Medford.
The Christmas dance and supper
request would be but a small return
for the benefits the city derives from the proved quite a success. Proceeds ap­
propriated to procure a lx*ll for the Bap­
present location of the works.
tist church.
1896. Look out for the 6.
Leap Year.—A boon to the new wo­
man .
Our business houses report a good
holiday trade.
For manzanita work, call at Sherwin’s
Remember the annual B Class enter­
tainment, which will be given January
25, in the Opera House.
Emil Peil, doctor of sick plows, etc.' • * •
Ashland Butte hams, bacon and lard
at IX‘jK)t Grocery.
At 12:00 o’clock last night, Father
Time wrote “F inis ” at the bottom of
page 1895 of the Book of Time.
Last Thursday , while cutting wood,
Ferd Strange had the misfortune to cut
the second finger of his left hand near­
ly off.
See Emil Peil al wait repairing that
The ln‘st lantern made, only 65 cents
at Depot Grocery.
The City Council met Monday night
to approve the 1 tends of the incoming
officers. The first meeting of the new
council will l>e held next Monday night.
The stamp mill commenced crushing
quartz from the Ashland mine Monday.
They have about thirty-five tons of ore
to crush.
Tambarine Drills, Dialogues, Essays,
Orations, Recitations, etc., etc., at the
B Class entertainment, January 25.
Extracted honey, only 10 cents per
pound. Depot Grocery.
It pays to advertise in the right
journal; this paper is the one. Try it!
The last quarterly muster and inspec­
tion for 1895 of Co.I). 2nd. Infantry.O.N.
G. was held in the Company Armory in
Granite Hall last Monday Night. The
inspection was made by C. H. Gillette.
Eight bars laundry soap for 25cents at
Depot Grocery.
There will l>e a social dance in Granite
Hall a week from next Friday evening,
January 10. Tickets fifty cents. The
dance is given under the management of
Messrs. Hayden and Davis, with a view
to forming a class in dancing in Ashland.
The gentlemen are instructors of ability,
and have a good sized class organized in
, * F
• •
Fifty cents buys a gallon of “Golden
Drips” syrup at Depot Grocery.
“London Assurance Again,” by ama­
teurs of State Normal School, was
played in Ganiard’s Opera House last
night to a large audience. A great im­
provement over the first local production
of the comedy was noticeable.
After the play, the Old Year was ush­
ered out ami the New Year in by a gen­
eral merry-making by the young peojile.
Christinas night, in Medford, the com­
edy was greeted with a packed house
and genuine appreciation of the true
merits of the goo«' production of the play.
About thirty dollars were cleared at that