The Ashland Advertiser. flonarch of the Amateurs. VOL. III. ASHLAND. JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY a, 1896. A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. OUR PROMISED ENLARGEMENT. - The Prospect* of the New Year arc a* Bright a* those oi the Old Year were. With the compliment« of the season, ' we place before the appreciative public the enlarged edition of the A dvektisek with the a«« 11 rance that its success ami proiqierity during the coming year will lie even greater than that of the past. It has been just seven month« since the weekly A dvektisek made it« debut, and throughout that time we have hail all the success than any one but an ali­ tor could desire. Our advertising pat­ ronage lias l»een of the l«est, all available Spaci* lading taken, and to afford more to the live public to our principal object in enlarging. Hitherto, our p.q»er has liven too small to admit of the publics* lion of details, a brief form of which is just w hat is wanted by up-to-date ¡»eo- ple, am! just w hat we are now prepared to give to the public nt the nominal price of fifty cents per year. With live reporters on the track of all local new s items, and modern office fa­ cilities, we shall turn out the liest, most attractive ami moat serviceable paper of its size published. We will not I m ? satis­ fied with an apjiearance like that pre­ sented by some country sheets,—poorly I printed, art at the ex­ pense of our city marshal. The players of the Ashland Normal requested the Montana team to side­ track their car ami they (the Normal team) would show them how to play foot ludl. Owing to lack of time, the invi­ tation was not accepted. THE FALL OF TALLAN. BY D. II. HAWKIN«. ’Twas the “speaking of mid-summer,” the Gold-god’s hour; When great Tallan sat enthroned in her pride and her pow’r; Where the plain of the Madros swept laild to the wall, Which surrounded great Tallan ami Mal­ abaun Hall. The Hall Malabaun ami the Temple of Gold; Whose art-splendor and richness in story is told. 33. A Musical Treat. The Aramenti Concert Company, of New Vork, will give an entertainment in Ganiard’s Opera House next Saturday evening, January 4th, for the benefit of the Southern Oregon Chautauqua As­ sembly. The company contains three most ex­ cellent musical artists, Mme. Julia Ara­ menti, Miss Celia Schiller and Mr. Victor Kuzdo, all of whom have w on the admir­ ation and complimentary comment of both press and public. Every one should come out to hear them. Bear in mind that the benefits remain at home. Money in Farming. It is a notable fact that all farming in­ terests improve where it is possible to utilize the water that the wells on the place will produce. How few people think of the value of water for irrigation, and w hat could be produced at a mini­ mum cost if it were used. The question has been heretofore how* to get the water to the surface economically, and this has been accomplished by the use of Gaso­ line or Kerosene Oil Gas Engine, manu­ factured by Palmer & Key Ty!>e Found­ When, all heartless ami willing, she er}’, 405 Sansoine street, San Francisco, plunged her keen sword California. To the heart of the maid, who had sinned bv * no word. Demand for Apples. • Only thoughtlessly there, with warm vouth in their blood, List Fall, the supposition was preva­ Had so carelessly broken the laws of lent that to dispose of apples at any price their god. this Winter would lx? no easy matter. Thus, Indore Malabaun they kneel in In reality, however, it is quite the re­ their shame; verse, apples l»eing in great demand by Till from Umbita’s hand the harsh San Francisco merchants, a number of stroke of death came. Ashland shippers having received com­ Now w hen all had been slaughtered, the munications to that effect. Choice apples are quoted on the San chalice was fill’d With the blood of the fairest, in sacri­ Francisco market at $1J5 to $1.75 per fice kill’d; i box. Then but recent the idol, with rumble ami Dame, To repletion had fed on Umbita’s fair slain; Tall I’mbita, a queen from Barbado'a long line; Who drank w arm human blood as strong men sip good wine: Ami w hose radiant «beauty was shame to her cause ()f serving < Misitas, and Malabaun’« jaws. Which the Queen of the Stranglers must raise then on high, Then quaff it, and trending to Malabaun erv