The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, January 01, 1896, Image 2

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    T he A shland A dvertiser .
Published Every Wednesday,
IxMimis sells “Ashland Butte" lard.
It pays to advertise in the right
journal; this jmper is the one. Try it!
13T Remember ns for Job Printing.
A full assortment of nuts at prices to
suit the times at the Candv Palace.
If vou don’t read the A dvkrtirkr , von
don’t get half the news. Subscrils*.
The B ('lass of the High Sdiool will
give an entertainment soon after the
n<«lld.ix B ■
The will be a two week’s holiday va-
cation, I»cginning with next week, for
the Ashland Public .Schools.
Have you seen the “(’limbing Mon­
• ” at Bert’s Candv
• Palace? Come in
and see him climb.
G. F. Billings and son, Ralph, re­
turned from San Francisco on Monday’s
Tons of plain mixed candy at 10 cents
per pound at Sayles’ Candy Store.
Ray Sachwell, for a long time o|<erator
of the Postal Telegraph office at this
place, has I mvii transferred to Salem. 1..
D. Minkler is filling his former jMwdtion
nonarch of the Amateurs.
DITOK, . .
1*C 1I1.1SIIKK,
P ropriktor .
— TERMS. —
Subscription, One Year, ..
six Months.
Sample copies mailed freely.
. .15.
------ •
A.hertisingrau-s,) M , k
............... >
Terms to Agent»,)
..................................... '
twAii ads., notices, etc., when not
paid in advance, run until ordered out.
Entered at the post-office at Ashland,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
vertising Agent, 21 Merchant’s
Exchange, San Francisco, is qur author­
ized agent. The A dvkrtirer is kept on
file in his office.
The “ADVERTISER” ha« the lartfil 4 Irralatloa
of any Payer of It* 41 m *.
ASHLAND,............ WEDNESDAY, DEC. 18, 1896.
Old 5hcllbark.
for ■ quarter at Say les* Candy Store.
J pound*
lk* sure to get a supplement with to­
The Normal School Notes were un­
day’s A dvkrtirkk . First accurate re-
j>ort of the returns of yesterday’s avoidably crowded out of this issue.
Plenty oi space after the first of the year.
elect ion.
Before buying your Christmas candy,
Smith aavs the «now isdeejs-st that he don’t fail to see the assortment in the
ever Raw it. Well, yea, since he men­ Candy Palace, ami get prices.
tioned it, he does appear to l«e pretty
Go to Klum A Crider, Central Mar­
thoroughly “«nowed under.”
ket, for clean, pure |M>rk made entirely
on cooked lets I.
It is pleasing to note with what cer­
For manxaneta work, call at Sherwin’s
tainty the ja*ople of Ashland are waking , Pharmacy.
up to theia interests. The men in Ash­
Don’t forget “I xhk I oii Assurance** in
land outnumlMT the gambling ami the
Ganiard's Ojtvra House Ikvemlier 20.
saloon elements more than two to one.
We give a nice candy pail with every
pound of candy purchased. Sayles, the
Owing to our enlargement the first of Candv Man.
the year, there w ill In* no Christmas edi­
tion of the A dvertrer , this l»eing the
The holidays an* rapidly approaching.
last issue of this size of the “Monarch of If you want any printing done, call
the Amateurs.” The subscript ion price around at the A dvertiser office*. We
will I m * raised to fiftv cents per year, and guarantee you the I m * s I work in the citv
for that sum we will give you the earli- * 1 at the lowest price. We have the rest
lies, most complete and most reliable ac­ and most imwlern job press and facilities
count of the week’s local hap]M*ning«.
in Ashland and mean just what we say.