The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, December 11, 1895, Image 2

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    T he A shland A dvertiser .
Published Every Wednesday.
flonarch of the Amateurs.
— TE11MS. —
Subscription, One Year,.................. $.25.
Six Months.................... 15.
Sample copies mailed freely.
Advertising rates, )
Discounts,........... > ‘
Terms to Agents,)
ade known upon
RTAII ads., notices, etc., when not
paid in advance, run until ordered out.
Entered at the post-office at Ashland,
Oregon, as second -class matter.
*“*• veriising Agent, 21 Merchant’s
Exchange, San Francisco, is our author­
ized agent. The A dvertiser is kept on
file in his office.
The “À DVEKTINEK” ha« the Unrest (ìrralatloa
of an; Paper of Ita ( laas.
ASHLAND,........... WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1 1, 1S96.
Next Tuesday is election. The im­
portance of putting the right men in the
right places is unquestionable. Vote for
men only. No more such marshals as
our ¡»resent. Down the gambling ring !
T. K. Roberta, publisher of the (told
Hill Miner, has associated with himself
a partner, E. E. l’hipps. T he A dver ­
tiser wishes the new management abun­
dant success.
If vou set* anything in a pajier that
you don’t like, ilon’t l»e foolish enough
to get up on your hind legs and go I al­
lowing al»out like a mad'bull and imagine
it is for you. If the shoe doesn't fit, do
not put it on, and if it does, keep still;
the people will generally think more of
you for it. Also rememlier that other
people have opinions and have just as
good a right to them as you have. At
times, a paper may In* at fault, but re­
member you have your failings as well.
Have charity for the feelings of others,
whether religious, political or otherwise ;
they may be right and you wrong.—Ex.
IxMimis sells “Ashland Butte" lard.
It pays to advertise in the right
journal; this ¡>a|M*r is the one. Try it!
t9"*Reineinbcr us for Job Printing.
A full assortment of nuts at prices to
suit the times at the Candv Palace.
If you don’t read the A dvertiser , you
don’t get half the news. Subscribe.
Will and Frank Grubb came over from
Applegate, where they have I »ecu min­
ing, Sunday, returning Tuesday.
Wig Ashpole and Arthur Nichols, of
Eagle Point, came in from Klamath
Have you seen the "Climbing Mon­
key’’ at Bert’s Candy Palace? Come in
and see him climb.
Mrs. A. Colver returned home last
Thursday from her visit in Dunsmuir.
The members of the Ashland Athletic
Club have been practising foot I tai I under
a professional coacber.
Tons of plain mixed candy at 10 cento
per pound nt Sayles’ Candy Store.
HICKORY NUTS. Old Ahellbarfc.
lor ■ quarter at Su> les* Candy Store.
a pound*
Don’ sell your vote for a drink, but
¡»reserve your good moral standing in
the community by voting for C. P. Jones
for city marshal.
The Normal students will produce the
comedy “London Assurance" in Medford
Monday evening, December 23.
Before buying your Christmas candy,
don't fail to sec the assortment in the
Candy Palace, and get prices.
For manzaneta work, call at Sherw in’s
Don’t forget “London Assurance" in
Ganiard’s O|>era House December 20.
We give a nice candy ¡»ail with every
pound of candy purchased. Sayles, the
Candy Man.
Ralph Billings went to San Francisco
The holidays are rapidly approaching.
If you want any printing done, call
around at the A dvertiser office. We
guarantee you the l»est work in the city
at the lowest ¡»rice. We have the rest
and most modern job press and facilities
in Ashland and mean just what we say.