The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, December 04, 1895, Image 1

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nonarch of the Amateurs.
Vol. III.
Xo. ¿9.
City Council Proceedings.
The (lame Resulted In • Score oí jó too in Their
Usual reports of city officers were sub­
mitted and approved.
A report and a communication w*ere
laid on the table, the former relative to
the o|»ening of a street along Ashland
creek, the latter from the W. C. T. U.,
requesting a revocation of the saloon
line nee granted to F. T. Fradenburg.
The annual city election was ordered
to be held on Tuesday, December 17.
1 st W ard .—Voting place, room in
Mver building, next door to Myer A
Gregory. Judges, J. B. Leach. James
Chisholm and W. O’Donoughue. Clerks,
James Chisholm and W. O’Donoughue.
policeman, J. H. Hern.
2 d W ard .—Voting place, Granite Hall.
Judges, B. K. Willits, G. M. Grainger
and Geo. Irw in. Clerks,G. M .Grainger
and Geo. Irwin. Policeman. E. Wai rad.
3n W ard .—Voting place, City Hall.
Judges, C. M. A rm burst, H. 8. Evans
and D. H. Haw kins. Clerks, H. 8. Evans
and D. H. Hawkins. Policeman, M. K.
Bills to the amount of |555.18 were
ordered paid.
The fool kill game ln*twoen the Nor­
mal 2d’s aixl the Ashland 2d’«took place
last Saturday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock,
in Walker’*.field, lielow the boulevard.
Although the weather was threatening,
a large crowd assembled to witness the
Ow ing to insufficient training, the Ash­
land team suffered defeat, pluckily dis­
puting every yard of ground. Six times
the Normal team made a touch-down,
and six times they kicked a goal, making
a scon* of 36 to 0, in their favor.
The Ashland boys, although making
no points, «lid some clever playing, but
the moat remarkable plays of the day
were made by the Normal goal kicker,
Fred Homes, w ho, six times in succes­
sion. kicked the hall fairly and squarely
over the goal—a performance any “crack
player might envy.
The First ."loathly ."lu^icale.
Manv pleasing compliments an* bean I
from all sides regarding the First Month­
• Musicale by
• the Ashland Music Club
in Ganiard's Opera House last Friday
evening. The entertainment was of the
highest quality and a rare treat to lovers
of music.
Every true citixen of Ashland should
give his assistance toward the prosper­
ous and continuous maintainancv oi so
worthy a music club.
The Time Changed.
Are You Satisfied?
If you need water only when the wind
blows; if you are satisfied to utilize but
a small fraction of the water in your
w ell; if you prefer heavy damages for re­
pairs after each storm in Winter, by all
means use a windmill; but if you want
water at any time, and up to the full ca­
pacity of vour well, put in an Ajax Coal
Oil Gas Engine, the latest thing in me­
chanics, an engine that uses common
coal oil for fuel, and is built by the well
known firm of Palmer and Key, San
Francisco, California.
The fourth annual meeting of the Ash­
land Alumni for 1SH5 w ill be held in the
K. O. T. n. Election.
High School Building, Thursday eve­
ning, Dveemlier 5, 1895, instead of Fri­
The annual election of officers of
day, November 29, as announced last Granite
No. 4. K.O.T. M.,will be
wee*. A h complete an attendance as held next Tent,
Wednesday evening, Decem­
|M»ssible is requested.
ber 11, 1895, in the lodge rooms of the
Order in I. O. 0. F. Hall. All members
T iik A dvrrtihkr turns out the ln*st Job are reouested to be present.
Printing in the city, at the lowest price.
By order of C. H. G illette , R. K.