The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, November 27, 1895, Image 1

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flonarch of the Amateurs.
Vol. III.
X«. 2 m
The Students* Reception
Report of Principal oí Ashland Public Schools
lor rionth Ending November 33. 1895.
The reception given by the students of
the Ashland State Normal School last
Friday night was a decided success in
every respect. A very large assemblage
of city people attended, ami, together
with altout a hundred Normal students,
made a large gathering.
The foremost part of the evening was
made enjoyable by an interesting pro-
irram, which, Iteing neither too short nor
ong, was highly appreciated.
“shingle supper’* followed, with plenty
to eat for several times the numoer of
people present.
From supper until mid-night, the time
was s]n»nt in general merry-making.
Nu nil »er of «lavs taught, 20.
Number of holidays, 0.
Davs of attendance, lovs 4233 ; girls
4251S I total 8485.
Ihivs of alwvnce, boy» 533}»' ; girls 540;
total* 1073 S-
Cases of tardiness, l»ovs, SO; girls 48;
total 128.
Whole number enrolled on register,
bi vs 248; girls 250; total 4t>8.
New scholars, boys 5; girls 8; total 13.
Average daily attendance, 424.
Per cent, of attendance, 89.
Number of visitors, 20.
Cases of corporal punishment, 6.
Tardiness 01 teachers, 0.
Ihivs absence of teachers. 1.
The attendance for the above month is
less than for the proceeding month owing
to the prevalence of colds and chicken
pox. The tardiness shows a satisfactory
decrease, an<l comes from a relatively
small numlter of scholars. Miss Grant
had but one case this month and Mr.
Thornton but four.
The fall term close«! November 22 ami
the Winter term commences Mom lav of
the present week. The term examina­
tions were held last week an« I showed
good results. The examination marks
are kept se]»aratv from the class record
this year ami promotion will depend
partly on class record ami partly on ex­
aminations. The new plan seems to I k *
working very satisfactorily.
There w ill In» vacation Thanksgiving
and the day follow ing
The “Legislature.”
The “Extra Session of the Legisla­
ture” given under the management of
Mrs. I). L. Harford last Saturday eve-
ing in Ganiard’s Opera House, was well
attended. The attempt was to portray
to the public the utter indifference and
confusion that is generally prevalent at
the sessions of the state legislature, but
it is undoubtedly beyond the power of
even the <x»ming women to truly repres­
ent them. The entertainment was,
however, pleasing ami amusing.
Is He Guilty.
Much agitation has l»een brought
about by the Brownsville murder in
w hich John Montgomery and wife ami
Dan B. Me Kercher were shot to death
last week.
The commission of the deed is attach­
ed to the eighteen years olii son of Mont­
gomery, whose regards for his father
The Time Changed.
were not of the ln»st. The lioy strongly
asserts his innocence, however, and pub­
The fourth annual meeting of the Ash­ lic opinion is not wholly against him.
land Alumni for 1895 will In» held in the
Lost or Left.
High School Building, Thursday eve­
ning. lh‘cvmln»r 5, 1895, instead of Fri­
day, Novemlwr 29, as announce«! last
A two-bushel-lmsket branded D. L. M.
week. As complete an attendance as on lottom. Finder please leave a Mink­
possible is requested.
ler«* Grocery.