The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, November 20, 1895, Image 2

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    T he A shland A dvertiser .
Published Every Wednesday,
Ix»omi8 sells “Ashland Butte” lard.
C?/* Remcml»er us for Job Printing.
Mrs. II. I). Harford will 8|>ealc in the
Congregational Church on “SufTnigv”
flonarch of the Amateurs.
\\ . V l *
___ rzT' j EoiTOB, . .
P i Bl imi i : k .
P roprietor .
— TERMS. —
Subscription, One Year.
Six Months,
Sample <*opies mailed freely.
Legislature In Opera Saturday Eve.
Advertising rates, > M ¡ k
Terms to Agents,)
All ads., notices, etc., when not
paid in advance, run until ordered out.
Entered at the post-office at Ashland,
Oregon, as second-<• I ass matter.
vertising Agent, 21 Merchant ’■
Exchange, San Francisco, is our author­
ised agent. The A dvertiser is kept on
tile in his office.
Mrs. A. Culver went to Dunsmuir remain through the Winter.
Go to Klum A Crisler, Central Mar­
ket, for clean, pure j»ork made entirely
on cooked feed.
AI »out 8:30 o’clock Monday evening a
brakeman named McDonald had his
right hand smashed while coupling cars.
F. J. McHenry, of Portland, organized
a lodge of the Woodmen in Ashland
Monday night with a charter memlier-
shipof twenty-five.
Klum A Crisler, our hauling butchers,
are killing alxmt one hundred corn-feu
hogs |M»r week.
Dunn and Barclay w III be there.
W by pay two dollars a year for your
local news when you can get the same
news for twenty-five cents? Mural: Stib-
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20, 1S‘»5.
scril»e for the A dvertiser .
M arried . — In Ashland, this after­
noon, Rev. Memingcr officiating, F. I).
We wish to thank our amatuer ex­ Wagner and Miss Cary Austin.
They will leave for Portland on this
changes that have so heartily congratu­
’s train.
lateli us upon our success as publishers,
and wish them the same success.
It pays to advertise in the right
journal; this pajier is the one. Try it !
January 1, 1896, the A dvertiser will
1 he Ashland Woolen Mill has again
l»e enlarged to double its present size.
lx*guii o|a*rations.
All present unexpired twenty-five
County Clerk N. A. Jacobs was in
cents subscriptions will In? continued
town last Sat unlay.
with the enlarged edition.
The “ADVERTISER” ha* the Lanrent ( Irralatloa
of »nj Paper of It* ( la««.
Rare I un!
To-dav we placed an order with the
American m * Fourniers Co., Palmer A
Key Branch, of Portland for u large st<*’k
of printing material, embracing fifty
jMMinds of I hm I v type, the latest styles of
job type and ornaments, brass rule of
several kinds, leads, eonqtosing sticks,
new patent quoins, type cases, a large
supply of black ami colored inks, and
several miner articles. This addition of
stock will increase the facilities of our
office to proportions second to none in
the citv . When you want the l>est work
in /Ashland, bring your orders to the A d ­
vertiser ,—the most modernly equipped
office in the citv.
Local Hit*!
At the lx*gi»laturc.
State Printer W. H. Ix*eds was shak­
ing hands in Ashland last Saturday,
If you don’t read I he A dvertiser , you
don't get half the news. Suliacrilie.
A week from Friday night the Ash­
land Music Club will give their first
Open Musical in the O jxtu House. Ad­
mission, 10 cents. Program next week.
Thanksgiving service* will In* held in
the Baptist Church Nov. 28, at 11 o’clock
a. m. The sermon will lx* deliveied by
Rev. E. P, Childs Collections of money
orgiftaof fruit, vegetables or clothing
will lx.* given to the King’s Duughteis.