The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, November 20, 1895, Image 1

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Honarch of the Amateurs.
Vol. III.
........................... —■
.Wo. 27.
Interest Is at luwt Awakened, and Beneficial
Results may be Accomplished.
When a man decides upon improving
his shop, factory or farm by the addition
of power, he naturally looks for some­
thing entirely up to date.
He investi-
fates, considers, and finally decides to
my an Ajax Coal Oil Gas Engine as
meeting his requirement« more fully,and
being aafn than any other power attain­
able. Palmer A Key, San Francisco, Cal.,
the manufacturers of this engine, have
gained the gratitude of the public by
placing within its reach a reliable, enon-
omical power, that defies the restrictions
of the insurance companies.
It is the
latest and Itest.
The lieople of Ashland are just waking
up to tin* importance of the race cource
pro]»oeition, ami a retort of the investi­
gation committee will la* submitted be­
fore the 22<l insl.
To secure the fair at this place, Ash­
land ha* to contend with the energetic
op|»*M*ition of her neighbors, Medford
ami Jacksonville, ami, unless acjion is
at once liegun, she will stand no show at
A communication to T. E. Hills. Pres,
of the Fair Association this vear, from a
prominent horseman, stating that a well
The A. O. U. W.
kept half mile track is to l»e preferred to
a mile track, if it la* but ¡»oorly kept,
The A. O. I7. W. Ixxlge, No. 66, of this
will undoubtedly determine the siie of
place, gave an entertainment in Gan-
the course that will la* constructed.
In a mat»er of this nature, the heartv lard’s Ojiera House last Saturday night,
co-operation of all interersted is essen­ ami the people of Ashland showed their
tial to success, and every citizen of appreciation of the benefit« of the Order
Ashland should incline his efforts in by tilling the hall with a large attend­
that direction.
The former |>art of the program was
comj»osed of musical pieces hv the Ind­
Ashland va. the Normal.
ies’Ql,artette and others. The remain­
der of the evening was occupied by an
Since the Normal School boys arc so able address bv the State Gram! Master
defiantly displaying "chrysanthemum A. O. U. W., Hon. W. M. Colvig.
locks,” the citv Is»vs have made the in-
fcrence that they mean business, and
For Sale.
consequently, two foot-ball teams have
liven organised in Ashland.
The city’s second team is making ar­
A choice five acres tract, improved.
rangements to contest the goals with the Comfortable house and other buildings.
Normal seconds on Thanksgiving day. Close to good school. Easy terms.
an<l much sj»ort in thia "innocent line"
For further intormation, call at the
i s anticipated.
A dvkrtisks office or address. Lock Box
49, Ashland, Oregon.
A Class Reception.
The pupils of the “A” ami the ‘‘B’’
class of the Ashland High School were
given a reception by Professor and Mrs.
C. A. Hitchcock at their residence in the
Northern part of town, last Friday eve­
ning. A most enjoyable time was had
from seven until half past ten o’clock,
when the merry-makers disfansed.
Ashland Alumni. Attention!
The Fourth Quarterly Meeting of the
Ashland AlumAi,for 1895. will In» held
in the High School Building, Friday
evening, November 29.
Each alumnus is requested to be pres­