PAINLE5Ö EXTRACTION. DR. C. W. BARR, . . * DENTIST. I. O. O. F. BUILDING. i iS Good Work and pfoneat Dealing. Eugene A. Sherwin, Druggist, Stationer ALL KINDS OF FILLINGS CAREFULLY AND SKILLFULLY INSERTED. and Bookseller. HIS UFE CRUSHED OUT. An Insecure Hand-hold Lets a Brakeman Fall to Destruction. Thia morning about 4:30 o'clock, as a freight car was being switched, one of the most awful accidents that has hap­ pened in thia vicinity for a long time, occurred. The victim was a brakeman, a son of Conductor Kearney. A Hying switch was Iteing made and the brakeman was holding on to the end of the car with one hand and with theother he was to draw out the coupling pin. The support to which he was holding gave wav, let- ling him fall l»eneath the tender of the engine. He was instantly killed. NORMAL SCHOOL NOTES. Mr. Ham, from Waahingon, visited the school last week. The Comedy Club have now* made ar­ rangements for the play which will take place in December. The proceeds of the play will l>e for school benefit. Prof. Vining will lecture in the Nor­ mal chapel on the subject, “The Realm of Literature,” next Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. All are invited to at­ tend. There will l*e a Students’ Reception November 22, to which the people of the city ami country will be invited to take part by bringing cakes, sandwiches, pickles, etc. A lap supjwr will follow the programme. John M. Blots, President of the State Agricultural College, visited the school Tuesday. He was well pleased with the outlook of the school, and the students were well pleased with his visit. He addressed the students in the chapel, and his words were an inspiration to voting men and women in pursuit of knowledge. A larj»e number of students will enter school this month. The enrollment now stands 110. Those entering school this week are Homer Baron, John Million, Edna Mager and Frank Grieves, all tak­ ing the Commercial course. Messrs. Baron and Grieves are from Siskiyou, Mr. Million from Ashland, and Mies Mager from Empire City. “F anchion .” For Insurance .n oood km . in Reliable Companies, at Low Rates. See G. F. Billings, Real Estate and Insurance, Before insuring. rpHE MARBLE HILL ERA is a 4 page 1 weekly paper, choke full of choice reading, only 25c per year. For unique­ ness and originality it cannot be beaten. Sample copy free. John 8. Smith, Pub. Marble Hill, Ind. ¡"7 D C C ■ la CL ELo f f you will cut out and send us with your next order, this notice, we will send vou, free of cost, a pair of EL- EG A NT 1 IO V S E SEI PEEKS worth $ 1.00 to 12.00, if the order is over $25.00 and is accompanied by remittance to cover the amount. If under $25.00, we w ill send something nice of less value. We want tn see how manv of our friends read the A dvertiser , to see if it {»avs to advertise. No attention paid to citers a I »out it unless clipping comes w ith order. SMITHS’ CASH STORE, 414-418 F ront S tkkf . t , 8. F. t PAPER THAT WILL PLEASE YOU Sample fret*. Address News letter, Hasbrouck Heights, N. J. Subscribe lor tbe ADVERTISER. 25 Cents.