The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, November 13, 1895, Image 2

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    T he A shland A dvertiser .
Published Every Wednesday.
Ixxmiis sells “Ashland Butte" lard.
QT* Remember us for Job Printing.
Go to Klutn A Crisler, Central Mar­
ket, for clean, pure |»ork made entirely
on cooked feed.
Mr. Bliton, one of the publishers of
the Medford Mail, was in Ashland last
Friday, and made the A dvertiser a
pleasant call.
Don’t fail to read the new ad. of Win.
Hewner’s Grocery at the bottom of 4th
Klum A Crisler, our leading butchers,
are killing about one hundred corn-fed
hogs |x?r week.
E. B. Myer returned from San Fran­
cisco Monday evening,
If vou don’t reati the A dvertiser , vou
don’t get half the new s. Sul»scril»c.
Timothy Riggs arrived from Browns­
ville, Saturday, to reside here.
B orn ,— In Ashland, Tueedav, Novem­
ber 12, 1895. to Mr. ami Mrs. Virgil
Wright, a 12pound girl.
Call for “Ashland Butte” lard at Win.
Havener's Grocery.
The election of officers of the Ashland
Library Association was held Monday
It pays to advertise in the right
journal ; this )»aper is the one. Try it !
The chrysanthemum show* held last
week in Granite Hall was well attended
and a success in every wav.
F. T. Fradenburg had the misfortune
to losca team of horses while coming in
from his summer resort last Monday.
flonarch of the Amateurs.
— TERMS. —
Subscription, One Year, ................. |.25.
Six Months,.................... 15.
Sample copies mailed freely.
Advertising rates,
Terms to Agents,
Made known ii|Mm
t??*All ads., notices, etc., when not
paid in advance, run until ordered out.
Entered at the post-office at Ashland,
, Oregon, as second-class matter.
-1A vertising Agent, 21 Mendiant’«
Exchange, San Francisco, is our author­
ised agent. The A dvrrtisbr is kept on
tile in his office.
_■ --
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KRTI8KR” ha« Ihr Lärmt Clreaiatiun
of «n, Paper of Ila ( la»a.
ASHLAND, . . . WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13, 1895.
The annual citv
•r election for Ashland
will beheld December 17, this year. It
is aliout time for our citizens to l>e think­
ing about whom they want for city offi­
cers. Exercise your good judgement,
and do not elect another such marshal
as our present one.
We were informed last week that some
of the job printing turned out by the A d ­
vertiser was thought to ba work done
in San Francisco, it being so neatly and
artistically executed and so much super­
ior to that turned out by the other offices
in Ashland.
Permit us again to call your attention
to the fact that we turn out the liest work
in the city, having the l»est facilitiesand
knowing how to use them, and as for
our job press, we have, without excep­
tion, the l>e»t one in Southern Oregon.
Beside our press, those of our competit­
ors would look, old-fashioned, small and
Why pay two dollars a year for vonr
local news when you can get the same
news for twentv-iivc
cents? Moral : Sub-
scrii** for the A dvertiser .
Joe Million returned homo from San
Francisco on Monday evening’s train.
His physicians now have ho|*'Sof saving
the sight of one eye ami part of the sight
of the other.
Mrs. J. II Rankin arrived in Ashland
from Ixtuis County, Washington, Inst
Saturday. Her husband is coming by
team. Thev will remain here a war or
two to see how they like Oregon.