The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, October 30, 1895, Image 1

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rionarch of the Amateurs.
Vai. III.
No. ¿4.
Ashland Public Schools.
The Accidental Shooting of a Hunting Compan­
ion Results Seriously.
Report of Principal of Ashland Public
Schools for month ending Ort. 25, 1805:
Number days of attendance, boys 4464 ;
girls 4437 ; total 8901.
Number days of absence, boys 375;
girls 382: total 757.
Number cases of tardiness, boys 86;
girls 64 ; total 150.
Whole number enrolled on register,
boys 251; girls 248; total 499.
Number of new scholars, bovs 13; girls
17; total 30.
Average daily attendance, 445.
Per cent, of attendance, 92.
dumber of visitors, 68.
Cases of cori»oral punishment, 8.
Tardiness of teachers, 1.
Days absence of teachers, 0.
All accident which may result
fatally occurred near Ashland last Fri­
day, just before noon.
•Hie unfortunate victim of the acci­
dent was Joseph Million, a well know n
resident of Ashland. He, with E. Farlow
ami 1*. W. Paulson, was hunting grouse
up the valley near Shepherd's ranch.
The men having separated to scare the
game up from tne brush, took positions
unknown to one another, and when the
game arose to fly, Mr. Paulson tired,Joe
Million receiving the full charge at a
distance of aliout forty yards.
He was brought to Ashland al- once
and medical attention summoned from
here ami from Medford.
The seriousness of the accident result­
ed from each eye l»eing struck by a shot,
w hich, for some time, rendered him to­
tally blind, but Indore he w as taken to
San Francisco on Saturday’s “Flyer,”
Joe could distinguish moving objects
w ith the left eye, the sight of w hich may
be saved.
latest telegram up to press time for
this side reports Joe in good spirits and
resting easily. He sends l*est regards to
his friends. The physician entertains
great hopes of saving one eye.
Hr*. Purdy Returns Nome.
foist Saturday, Mrs. Purdy, wife of
Major Gen. Purdy, of God's Regular
Army, ami little daughter left for the
Army Headquarters in Sacramento.
They started with a liorsc ami light bug-
g>, intending to make the entire trip in
tiiis manner. Before leaving, they so­
licited sul»acriptions of small sums of
money from our citizens to pay their toll
along the road.
Investigate and be Convinced.
At the present time, when low prices
prevail, the farmer, orchanlist or vine­
yardfat who handles his routine work,
as well as his crop, the most cheaply
and expetlientlv, is the man who shows
the l»est profit for the year. It therefore
follows that since the Ajax Coal Oil Gas
Engine is the latest. l»vst and cheapest
power obtainable, that Palmer A Rev,
San Francisco, Cal., are in a ¡»osition to
help you add materially to the net profit
of your ranch. Investigate and be con­
Inspection of Co. D. O. N. G.
The regular Muster and Insjiection of
Co. D. 2nd Infantry. O. N. G.. by Brig.
Gen. Chas. F. Beebe and Staff, was held
at the Armorv in Granite Hal) last Sat-
unlay evening. The Inspection was a
close one, and Gen. Beebe expressed
himself as highly pleased with the gener­
The "Burglar.
al appearance ami efficiency of the Com­
The “Burglar” was poorly attended
Gut of the whole Com pan v of tiftv-six
Monday evening. The show* evidently memlters, there were but two names
travels on its reputation.
called to w hich there was no response.