The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, October 23, 1895, Image 1

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flonarch of the Amateurs.
vol. ill.
Mo. 23.
Two More oi “The Boys" Required to Pay For
Their Fun.
Two of the boys implicated in the to­
mato bam ba rd men t of God’s Regular
Army, ami who were caught at roke-
gama last week and officially reported to
I^D»t Friday, the A dvertiser placed nave been “turned loose,” came home a
an order with Palmer A Key, of Port­ few «lays ago, and no sooner had they
land, for a new printing press.
arrived than they were “nabbed” by the
The press is a brand new Chandler marshal, who happenedf?) to forget that
A Price «¡onion Jobber, equipped they had l>evn arrested and released, and
with throw-off and all modern improve­ were brought before Squire Berry to an­
ments, ami capable of a speed of several swer to the charge against them.’ Plead­
th on hm nd impressions per hour.
The ing guilty, they were ea«*h fined five
machine will print a form 10x15 inches dollars.
in sixe, thus enabling us to double the
Although it is iust that the boys should
present sire of the A dvertiser , and, I* made to pay for their fun, from what
when support justifies it, to trippie the we can learn, if justice was uniformly
administered, a pair of our city execu­
There are several different kinds of tives would not be wearing official stars
Gordon presses, but the Chandler A just now.
Price make is universally acknowledged
the RkST, so the A dvertiser is equipped
A Small Blaze.
with one of the liest job press« s in the
world,—the onlv office in Ashland that
The ringing of the tire l>ell Saturday
has such facilities.
The A dvertiser has liern published afternoon about three o’clock indicated
in its present form as a weekly just five a fire in the direction of the railroad
months with this issue, and, during that track.
In a very short time, the two hose
time, our circulation has so increased
and the justification for enlargement cart«» arrived on the scene of the confla­
l»een so great that we have been obliged gration, ami a quickly applied stream
of water soon drowned the flames that
to nut in a new motlern press.
<>nr old press had also proven itself were trying to destroy the essay office of
inadequate to handle our large job trad«», the Ashland Mining Co.
The fire starte«i in the roof, but was
but now we can execute any job you
mav desire, from the smallest can! to a nearly extinguished by Horace and Ern­
large poster, and guarantee you the l»est est Hicks before the alarm was sounded.
Clarence Iume was the onlv teamster
workmanship in the city.
earned the reward of two dollars
Our facilities in the tvpe department
are equally efficient, and when you want for the assistance of his team in hauling
any printing done, bring your orders to one of the «'arts to the fire.
the A dvertiser Printing Office,—the
only office in Southern Oregon that oper­
The Normal Entertainment.
ates two job presses.
O ur G uarantee .—We guarantee you
The entertainment given by the Nor­
the lies! work in the city at the low­ mal School last Friday evenind was a
est price.
success,—financially and otherwise.
To the large audience that attended,
Fresh, tender, young beef at KI uni the program was highly acceptable, and
A Crieler’s this week.
praises arc heart! from all sides.
A Brand New ios*s Chandler A Price 0. S. Gor­
don Jobber.