T he A shland A dvertiser . LOCAL BREVITIES. Published Every Wednesday. Marion Baxter next Sunday. The County Fair i»egan yesterday. UT’Rememlier us for Job Printing. If you don’t read the A dvertiser , you don’t gel half the news, Suliecrllie. There are over 50 horses now on the Central Point Fair Grounds in training for the races which commence O c I o I mt 8. A great many people are taking ad vantage of the pleasant weather t«»enjoy Autumn camping. It pays to advertise in the right journal; this |>a|>vr is the one. Try it! The (¡rant’s Pass Silver Cornet Band will furnish music for the Centra! Point Fair wliich opens Octol>er 8th. The Ashland woolen mill is doing a brisk bus nese at present. Ihm’t fail to hear Mrs. Baxter next Sunday. Five dollars from the Society and a pair of kid gloves from D. R. A E. Mills, of Ashland, for the Iwst two pounds of butter at the Central Point Fair. Why pay two dollars a year for your local news when you can get the same news for twenty-live cents? Moral: Sub scribe for the A dvertiser . Fifteen dollar* in cash from the Socie ty ami a gold heart chain from T. K. Bolton, of Ashland, is the prize that the l»est I jk I v Equestrian will receive at the Central Point Fair. The excursion car that w as to have left for Portland last Friday did not go, owingto insufficient numl>vr of passen gers. Mrs Marion B. Baxter, a noted W. C. T. U. speaker ami orgazixvr of Chicago, will sjM*ak in Ashland twice next Sun day. See hand-bills for particulars re garding place, etc. flonarch of the Amateurs. TEKMS. — Subscription, One Year,................... |.25. “ Six Months...................... 15. Sample copies mailed freely. Advertising rates, i Made known upon Discounta,............. > application. Terms to Agents, ' «¡TAII ads., notices, etc , when not paid in advance, run until ordered out. Entered at the post-office at Ashland, Oregon, as second -cl ass matter. I P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER AD- li. vertising Agent, 21 Merchant’s Exchange, San Francisco, is our author ised agent. The A dvertiser is kept on file in his office. II 1 Thr “AIH KKTIMKH” ha« Ihr lärmt ( Irralatlon of aaj I’aprr of It* <la««. ASHLAND, WEDNESDAY. OCT. 9, 1896. EDITORIAL. The A dvertiser acknowledges the re ceipt of a copy of the minutes of the Thirteenth Annual Convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Oregon, with compliments of Jackson County W. U. T. U. If you are not a subscriber, and receive a copy of the A dvertiser , you arc re- ‘ quested to carefully look it over ami, if you like it, call around and siiborribe. The week’s new*s in a nut shell for only twenty-five cents a year. One of the neatest and most attractive pieces of newspaper typography that has come within our observation for some time appeared in last week’s edition of the Meoford Mail. It was an advertise ment in the shape of a doorway and a half-open door com|x>sed entirely out of brass rule, and shows a great deal of ar tistic ability in the most artful of all arts, the printer’s. Five dollars from the Society ami a fine hat from O H. Blount, of Ashland, for the beat exhibit of peaches at the , Central point Fair. ♦ Frank Marlow was shot ami killed last Thursday by Frank Wade, an ex convict pardoned by Pennover. The shooting occurred in Chimney Rock precinct. Wade shot Marlow in the back with a 44 calibre Winchester rifle.