T he A shland A dvertiser . LOCAL BREVITIES. Published Every Wednesday. Marion Baxter next Sunday. The County Fair i»egan yesterday. UT’Rememlier us for Job Printing. If you don’t read the A dvertiser , you don’t gel half the news, Suliecrllie. There are over 50 horses now on the Central Point Fair Grounds in training for the races which commence O c I o I mt 8. A great many people are taking ad­ vantage of the pleasant weather t«»enjoy Autumn camping. It pays to advertise in the right journal; this |>a|>vr is the one. Try it! The (¡rant’s Pass Silver Cornet Band will furnish music for the Centra! Point Fair wliich opens Octol>er 8th. The Ashland woolen mill is doing a brisk bus nese at present. Ihm’t fail to hear Mrs. Baxter next Sunday. Five dollars from the Society and a pair of kid gloves from D. R. A E. Mills, of Ashland, for the Iwst two pounds of butter at the Central Point Fair. Why pay two dollars a year for your local news when you can get the same news for twenty-live cents? Moral: Sub­ scribe for the A dvertiser . Fifteen dollar* in cash from the Socie­ ty ami a gold heart chain from T. K. Bolton, of Ashland, is the prize that the l»est I jk I v Equestrian will receive at the Central Point Fair. The excursion car that w as to have left for Portland last Friday did not go, owingto insufficient numl>vr of passen­ gers. Mrs Marion B. Baxter, a noted W. C. T. U. speaker ami orgazixvr of Chicago, will sjM*ak in Ashland twice next Sun­ day. See hand-bills for particulars re­ garding place, etc. flonarch of the Amateurs. TEKMS. — Subscription, One Year,................... |.25. “ Six Months...................... 15. Sample copies mailed freely. Advertising rates, i Made known upon Discounta,............. > application. Terms to Agents, ' «¡TAII ads., notices, etc , when not paid in advance, run until ordered out. Entered at the post-office at Ashland, Oregon, as second -cl ass matter. I P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER AD- li. vertising Agent, 21 Merchant’s Exchange, San Francisco, is our author­ ised agent. The A dvertiser is kept on file in his office. II 1 Thr “AIH KKTIMKH” ha« Ihr lärmt ( Irralatlon of aaj I’aprr of It* sed entirely out of brass rule, and shows a great deal of ar­ tistic ability in the most artful of all arts, the printer’s. Five dollars from the Society ami a fine hat from O H. Blount, of Ashland, for the beat exhibit of peaches at the , Central point Fair. ♦ Frank Marlow was shot ami killed last Thursday by Frank Wade, an ex­ convict pardoned by Pennover. The shooting occurred in Chimney Rock precinct. Wade shot Marlow in the back with a 44 calibre Winchester rifle.