The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, October 02, 1895, Image 2

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    T he A shland A dvertiser .
Published Every Wednesday.
Sheriff Patterson w as in town yester­
Honarch of the Amateurs.
— TERMS. —
Subscription, One Year, ...
Six Months,
Sample copies mailed freely.
Advertising rates, 1 >fade know n upon
Discounts, . ..
Perms to Agents,'
C9TA11 ads., notices, etc, when not
paid in advance, run until ordered out.
Entere«! at the post-office al Ashland,
Oregon, as serom!-class matter.
1^» vertising Agent, 21 Merchant’s
Exchange, San Francis«*o, i- our author­
ised agent. The A dvertiser in. kept on
tile in his office.
Thr ••AI1VKKTIMLK" h«*th* lararwt (Irralallow
of an) Paper af H* (la**.
IS* »5.
“What arc the wild winds saying?’’
She asked in the college crowd.
“A cannot tell,” her lover said,
“The Normal colors are so lou«i.”
We respectfully call th«* attention of
our city council to section 8, article 4,
page 346, of the special law s of our city’s
It is with much satisfaction and pleas­
ure that
publish a complimentary
articlefrom the Gold Hill Miner,on first
page. It shows that people outside of
our own town appreciate our efforts.
We thank you, Bro. Roberts, for your
One of the base disgraces of our city
that should be stopped,—if such a thing
is possible,—is the habit, among our
I xjvh and young men, of drinking intox­
icating liquor. If this thing is allowed
to continue, the coining generation will
be represented by a lot of drunken,
broken dow n men.
The Grant’s Pass Silver Cornet Bam!
will furnish music for the Central Point
Fair w hich opens October Sth.
W. P. Squires, formerly of Ashland,
came up from Santa Rosa last evening.
If you don’t read the A dvertiser , you
don’t get half the news. Suliscrlbe.
G. Y. Heaton ami Virgil Wright start­
oil on a hunting trip yesterday.
Five dollars from the Society and a
pair of kid glows from D. R. A E. Mills,
of Ashland, for the best two pounds of
the Central Point Fair.
Waller Denny’s injure«! bait is rapidly
improving, am! he can now walk with­
out the aid of crutch or cane.
It m. Patterson came over from his
mine vesterday.
There arc over 50 horses now on the
Central Point Fair (.«rounds in training
for the races which commence October 8.
The arches that were constructed a-
cross Main street for the encampment,
arc I »ci ng removed to-day.
It pays io advertise in the right
journal; this paper is the one. Try it!
Henry Wirth returned to his home in
Central Point Monday.
Five dollais from the Society and a
fine hat from O II. Blount, of Ashland,
for the Ia*st exhibit of peaches at the
Central |»oint Fair.
From the present outlook, the Fair at
Central Point will lie largely attended
this year.
Chas. Boomgardner went to Portland
Whv pav two dollars a war
local new s w hen you cmii get the same
news for twenty-five cents? Moral: Sub­
scribe for the A dvertiser .
Frank Grieves came over from Siski-
you on Monday evening’s train.
Fifteen dollars in cash from the Socie -
tv and a gold heart chain from T. K.
Bolton, of Ashland, is the prise that the
liest I-adv Equestrian will receive at the
Central Point Fair.
Dm>.— At his home in Ashland, Mon­
day morning, October I, 1895, J. H.
Russel, aged 72 years, 5 months and 20
«lavs. Funeral to-morrow afternoon.