roor«c«t nvn m tu » oa oa>««t •c» emo • ■ MHO* (jem Cigar Store, Fine Cigar* and Tobaccos. . Proprietor. Confectionery, Etc. •ooot. »■»t mtacM.w aao M1»SI O* MMMMVta, Bf» I f you buy o your Drags. Medicines and Stationery OPPO6ITE CITY HALL G. W. VAUPEL, ' ail vb « ABO 00«M«T>C £>•••». -------- OF---------- . SHERWIN,. You can always depend on for • • vour m«>nev. • truk value PERSONAL. NORHAL SCHOOL NOTES. —Bert Clute left f«»r Banden, Sunday. —Thoe. Kist, the Central Point miller, was in Ashland, Sunday. — E. J. Kaiser returned home from his trip to the East, Sunday. —C. II. Ilargndinv and wife, of Klam­ ath countv, returned hone Monday. — A. PfotT, of Kansas City , Mo., was in Ashland on business . Thursday. —Jack True ami family have moved to Ashland from Gaxelle, io permanently reside here. — Mrs. E. Albright returned from the asylum in Salem, yesterday. We art* pleased to note that her mind is fully restored and her health has wonderfully improved. Ten new pupils Monday, and more on their wav. • ' Lester High entered the Commercial Department Monday. It is croquet we play now; after a while it will be tennis. Anna Easter and Earl Jackson entered the Training School Monday. Mr. Joseph McConnelcame, Saturday, from Coos Co. He will take the Normal course. Victor Mayer,-one of Ashland's “Class of ’95“ has entered the Commercial De­ partment. Chester Easter also entered school Monday. He wid take the second year of the Normal course. The entertainment to be given Oct. 11 will be held in town instead of in the Normal building as at tirst reported. Bernard Spencer, anotherof the Ashr land “’tto’s.“ entered school Monday, to take the University preparatory course. MissChaffey, of Sam’s Valley will enter school next week. She is one of last year’s graduates of Drain Normal. A PAPER THAT WILL PLEASE YOU ** Sample free. Address News Ixdtrr, Hasbrouck Heights, N.J. rIMIE M ARBLE HILL ERA is a 4 page 1 weekly pa|»cr, choke full of choice reading, only 25c per year. For unique- nvss ami originality it cannot la* beaten. Sample copy free. John S. Smith, Pub. Marble Hill, Ind. Qepartment of Music • Of • State Normal School. Miss Dora Colvig, one of the Grant’s Pass “’95’’graduates, entered, Monday, to pursue the studies of the senior course. We now have two pianos in the build­ ing, one in the chapel and the other in Music room. Miss Thomas is kept busy giving lessons. Those wishing to take music, either piano, voi',e or organ, can set* Miss Thomas, the teacher, at the Normal M iss Josie Hancock entered school to­ building or at her boarding place. Mi's. White’s, corner First avenue and Spring day. She is to make a specialty of mus­ street. One hour lessons, 50cents. Ix»s- ic,’but takes some studies from the sons given at the school or at the homes Normal course. She is from Coos Co. of the students. Mon» visitors this week ; Miss Rosetta Waters, of Talent, MissChaffey, of Sam’s Valley, Mr. Owen and Miss Martha Can­ dvertiser dell, of Central Point and several others. Printing Office In the city. Give u*a trial. he A