The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, September 25, 1895, Image 2

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    T he A shland A dvertiser .
Published Every Wednesday,
Quarterly inspection of Co. D,O. N.G.
occurred last Monday night.
nonarch of the Amateurs.
E ditor , . .
P roprietor .
The Grant’s Pass Silver Cornet Band
will furnish music for the Central Point
Fair which openaOctolier 8th.
The Indies' Fair is well worth anyone’s
time ami money to attend it.
— TERMS. —
Subscription, One Year,..............
The Opera House is again being re-
Six Months,................... 16.
| paired.
Sample copies mailed freely.
If you don't read the A dvkiitiskr , you
Advertising rates.) M , k
i upon don't get half the news. Su Inscribe.
Discounts, .... £
Terms to Agents,!
The »lance Saturday night was a pro­
fitable atiair to the management.
Cif’All ads., notices, etc , when not understand that thev clearetl ten dollars.
paid in advance, run until ordered out.
Five »lollars from the Society and a
Entered at the post-office al Ashland, pair of ki»l gloves from D. R. A E. Mills,
Oregon, as second -class matter.
of Ashland, for the beet two |M>un»ls of
• butter at the Central Point Fair.
vertising Agent, 21 Merchant's
G. W. Crow son is sole dealer in “Peer­
Exchange, San Francisco, is our author­ less” fruit paper in Ashland.
ised agent. The A dvertiser is kept on
Evervone should visit the I^adiee* Fair
tile in his office.
in Granite Hall to see the fresh, ripe
raspberries anti
The “ADV KKTiKKtt** has the laocrtt ( irrelalloa
of an, Paper of it* ('I m *.
Iterries on exhibition there.
Call around utour office and let us ad»l
your name to our subscription list. The
lime is coming, when, if you don't take
the A dvertiser , vou will not l>e “in
the swim.’’ Belter subacriltc.
A lawyer in a court room may cal) a
man a liar, a scoundrel, a villian or a
thief, and no one makes a complaint
when court adjourns.
If a newspaper
prints such reflections on a man’s char­
acter, there w ill lie a libel suit or a dead
editor. This is owing to the fact that t he
people believe w hat the editor says ;w hat
the lawyer says cuts no figure.—Ex.
We have been so rushed with job work
this week that this issue was gotten out
in a hurry. The A dvertiser can ami
does turn out the best job printing in
the city, and people are finding it out.
If you are thinking of having any
printing done, call around and examine
specimens of our work. We have facil­
ities for printing, in the Ix'st manner,
anything from a calling card to a cata­
logue. You will find us upstairs in
Reeser Block.
Conundrum Supper at the ladles' Fair la
Granite Hall to-night. Ever) body comet
One vear, onlv t went v-flve cents.
Then* are over 60 horses now on the
Central Point Fair Grounds in training
for the races which commence October 8.
It pays io advertise in the right
journal; this ¡taper is the one. Try it!
Go to M yer ami Gregory for ill kinds
of furnishing goods at l»ed rock prices.
ty Remember us for Job Printing.
Five dollars from the Society and a
fine hat from 0. H. Blount, of Ashland,
for the best exhibit of peaches at the
Central point Fair.
Why pay two dollars a year for your
local new s w hen you can get the same
news for twentv-tive
rents? Moral: Sub-
scrilie for the A dvertiser .
If you are looking for a good, sociable
time, visit the Ladies' Fair.
Lite peaches are coming in quite rap­
idly at present.
Fifteen dollars in cash from the Socie­
ty and a gold heart chain from T. K.
Bolton, of Ashland, is the prise that the
l>est I-adv Equestrian will receive at the
Central Point Fair.