The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, September 25, 1895, Image 1

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    The Ashland Advertiser.
flonarch of the Amateurs.
Vol. III.
Mo. I«.
A Week*» Entertainment that all Pleasure Lov­
ing People Should Attend.
Everyone Entirely Satisfied with the Good
At Granite Hall, Sept. 24th to 28th.
Hall open for ex hi bits Monday and Tues­
The fourth annual Reunion of Ohl Sol­ day. Fair opens Tuesday at 7:30 p. m.
diers ami Sailors of Southern Oregon has The following prizes will be awarded.
Beat display green fruits, fruit dish.
come and gone; the buzz of rx<*ilement
Best display canned fruits and jells, ,k,
is heard no more, and Ashland has set­
jelly glasses.
tled down to business again.
The Re­
Best display vegetables, granite kettle.
union just passed was thv grandest one
Best display jail plants, flower pot.
«•ver held in Southern Oregon, and all
Best display cut Howers, cake.
who attended it express themselves as
Best loaf of bread and cake made of
more than pl eared with the gcxsl lime
Ashland Hour, sack of Ashland flour.
en joyed.
Best loaf of graham bread, sack of gra­
Thursday was the “galla da> ” oi th«* |
flour from Eagle Mills.
encampment, a general h<»li«iny. and all i
Beal sample butter, butter print.
pronounced it a pretty good “Fourth of
Best exhibit haml sewing, roll butter.
July” for the middle of Sept mber,
Best exhibit hand made lace, calico
Senator Mitchell arrived on the ladat-
e«l train, and in the afternoon, gave a drvSS.
Best exhibit fancy work, season ticket.
Brholarly ad«lrvs8 in Chauiaupua Hall.
Best exhibit paintings, season ticket.
General II. B. Compson arrived Fri- [
each evening
«lay, and was welcome«I by an v^’orl of
G. A. It., Co. I>, O. N. G., Cadets and undrum Sup|a*r this evening (Wednes-
bicyclists on de«*orated wheels, l»esi«lcs day) from 6 to9 o’clock.
a large crowd «>f citizens.
Frnlav eve-
ing was occupied by an a«ldrcss by Gen.
Let Them Help You.
Saturday, the last «lav of the encamp­
ment, w as taken up by the general bus­
At the present time, when low prices
iness of th«* association ami preparations
for departure, Ashlaml was selected for prevail, the farmer, orehardist or vine-
yardist w ho hamiles his routine work,
the place of the next encampment.
The new officers elected are as follows: * as well as his crop, the m«jst cheaply
Commander, M. S. Hayman,of Medford; . and rxpedientlv, is the man who shows
the liest profit forth© year. It therefore
Senior Vice Commander. T. E. Hills of
Ashland; Junior Vive Commander,J. E. follows lha» since the Ajax Coal Oil Gas
Peterson, of («rant’s Past; (Quartermas­ Engine is the latest, best and cheapest
ter, Mrs. W. K. I>avis,of Me«lfoni ¡Chap­ power obtainable, that Palmer ami Rev,
San Francisco, Cal., are in a position to
lain. Rev. C A. Stein, of Ashlaml.
Strict military discipline and martial help you add materially to the net profit
law were o I »serve«! throughout the en- < of vour ranch. Investigate and be con­
campment, ami some of “our smart vinced.
boys” were taught a thing or two in that ‘
if they can “run the town”, they can’t •
Challenge lor America*» Cup.
run Co. 1». 0, N. G
x«•v«*ral of the
voiing toughs w en* pla«*c«l in the guard
house, and most prominent among the
Chas. I). Rose, an Englishman of no
prisoners was Raphael lang, who was little note in sporting circles, has cablet!
arrvste«l for maliciously hitting with a a challenge to the Chairman of the A-
stone, a sentinel in the lawful discharge merica’s Cup Committee of the New
of his duty. Although nothing was «lone York Yacht Club to race for the cup.
If the challenge is accepted, the race
with those that wen» arrested, they were
given a good scare and an intimation of will take place next year under satisfac­
tory conditions to the Cup Committee.
whut could be «Ione if necessary.