The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, September 18, 1895, Image 2

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    T he A shland A dvertiser .
Published Every Wednesday.
UTRomember us for Job Printing.
The woolen mill received another car
of wool yesterday.
Go to Myer and Gregory for all kinds
of furnishing goods at 1st) rock prices.
C. I>. Drain and F. S. Saxon, both of
Drain, were in town Haturdav.
W. W. Havener and Fred Denny went
to Medford. Monday.
Dr. J. P. Easter, of Yoncolla, arrived,
Saturday, with his family. The Dr. in­
tends to locate here ami send his child­
ren to the Normal.
The barn of J. E. Cox burned dow n at
al>out two o’clock this afternoon.
G. Y. Heaton left on a camping trip
this morning.
It pays to advertise in the right
journal; this luqter is the one. Try it!
All who are interested in our Public
Library should visit the Art Exhibition,
the proceeds of which go to benefit the
G. W. Crow son is sole dealer in “Peer­
less" fruit paper in Ashland.
To all apiwarancs, our city marshal.
G. W. Smith, was thoroughly intoxicat­
ed last Saturday night. This is not the
kind of a marshal we want next year.
One year, only twenty-five cents.
Fred T. Fradenburg was fined $35.00
ami costs by the countv court last Fri­
day, for allowing gambling in his saloon.
Honarch of the Amateurs.
— TEHM8. —
Subscription, O ik * Year,..............
Six Months,
Sample copies mailed freely.
Advertisingrate«.) M J
Terms to Agent« J
.............. 15.
CW~A 11 ads., notices, etc , when not
paid in advance, run until ordered out.
Entered at the post-office at Ashland,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
. - ........ ........ ........ —
.... -..
vertising Agent, 21 Merchant’s
Exchange, San Francisco, is our author­
ized agent. The A dvertiser is kept on
tile in his office.
The “ADVKKTIKKIt” ha* the l.arire*t ( Ircalatioa
Paper of it* I la«*.
........ ■
■ —------------------------
............. —
The people of Ashland heartily eti
dorse the independent stand the A dver ­
tiser is taking against the gambling that
is going on in our midst, ami show their
A. 8. Hammond and H. L. Benson
appreciation by railing around ami sub-
were in tow n Sunday.
scribing. Eight new sulxscriljers were
If you don’t read the A dvkrtirkr , you
enrolled Saturday , eight Monday ami i don’t get half the news. Sulwribe
five Tuesday. “How is this for high?”
Many compliments are I mu ng paid the
new quartette.
Since there is such a demand for
dwelling houses by people wishing to
move here to school their children,
would it not l>c a profitable plan for
some person or comjiany to erect a
number of cottages near the Normal
for the accommodation of such parties?
The lienetit to Ashland can hardlv
be estimated.
There is an unusual demand for
dwelling ho urn's at present, it being al­
most impossible to get one in Ashland
now . A great many people would come
to send their children to school if they
could get dwellings.
The Y. P. S. C. E of the Presbyterian
Church will hold a Rally Service next
Sunday evening at 6:30 P. M. All young
Iconic air cordially invited
“The pledge; its joys and require­
ments" will lx* discussed.
The I/ookout Committee.