Tinner and Plumber. Leaaoaa may be taken at home or in school. ** "" 1 — J ONK HOUR ■•" IMIT r -1 !■■ ■_ ^ ii i iiiim ■— ♦ LESSONS, 60 CENTS ♦ ♦ B. F. Reeser,. . PIANO, VOICE OK ORGAN. DEALER IN vA> vXZ H ardware and STOVES. v V va Department • of* .Music TIN WORK AM» RKHAlltlXG DONK TO OKDKIt Unna and Ammunition. Minern* • . ttnppllea. v REESER BLOCK. ASHLAND, THOJE WIJMINQ TO TAKE MUSIC CAN SEE MIJJ TMOMA5, THE EACHEK, OAT THE NpXMAL DUILDINCi OK AT HER BCARÙINQ PLACE, AAKÔ. WHITE'S, CORNER T;X5" AVENUS AND ÔPKINQ JTXEET. Central Harket. KL ü H & Job . . Printing. i £ WholeMlera and Retailers of all Kinds of . MEATS.. Katlafnrtlon ... Gnaranteed. • • • • _____________ - OREGON f« For & CRISLER, . . Main Street, - gmw F Remember £-S-£i u,er- C. K. klum. General Butchers. - Ashland, Ore. • e This Space IM RKMKRVKD FOR . . . —--------- Crow*** The A has the beat e- dvertiser quipped Job . . . * Printing Office In the city. Give ua a trial. William Hevener, Leading • The ••rirrr Dealer In Staple and Fancy GROCERIES- and Provisions............ Flrat Claaa. fund .” • Hain St. Ashland Oregon