T he A shland A dvertiser . LOCAL BREVITIES. Published Every Wednesday. To-morrow is Pioneer Dav. The boys of the High School have a new foot ball. t^TRemember us for Job Printing. flonarch of the Amateurs. S ím ") E ditor , . . PUBLIBHKK, — TERMS. — Subscription, One Year, ............. “ Six Months, Sample copies mailed freely. Advertising rate«, > M Discounts, ....... Terms to Agents,' The night. P roprietor . • Misses Webling. to-morrow General Admission, 25 cents. It pays to advertise in the right journal; this pgper is the one. Try it! 1.25. . .15. Our Northern exchanges speak in highly complimentary terms of the en­ tertainment given by the MissesWebling. )e fc i uj»on application. If you don’t read the A dvertiser , von don't get half the new s. Suliecribe. t^T*All ads., notices, etc , when not paid in advance, run until ordered out. The tops of the exterior walls of the City Hall were covered with cement. • Yesterday. • One year, only twenty-five cents. Entered at the jx»st-otfice at Ashland, Oregon, as second-class matter. P. EITHER, NEWSPAPER A D- vertising Agent, 21 Merchant’s Exchange, San Erancisco, is our author­ ized agent. The A dvertiser is kept on tile in his office. Don’t fail to attend the Misses Web­ ling entertainment in Ganiard’s Opera House to-morrow (Thursday) night. The “A D V EKT INKK*’ has the Largest ( Ircalalloa of ss; Paper of Its < lass. Perhaps you don’t know it, but now is the time to subacrila*. 1S*.*5. City water was piped into the High School building last Saturday. 1 ASHLAND. WEDNESDAY, “Ml. 11, 0. W. Crowson is sole dealer in “Peer­ less” fruit pa|»er in Ashland. EDITORIAL. Go to Myer and Gregory fur all kinds of furnishing goods at l»ed rock prices. Our complete stock of paper, embrac­ ing a full line of commercial station­ ery and material for all kinds of work turned out by a first class office, has ar­ rived. We art» now in a position to give you the finest work and material in the city at the lowest price. A nutnlx*r of friends and class­ mates of Victor Mayer gave him a neat surprise party at his home last Saturday night. A must enjoyable time was had. and we will state, lu the credit of thorn* present, that when the party broke up. the “wee sma’ hours” had not vet arrived, but—they were very dose at hand. Since last issue, we have increased the facilities in the job department of our office by six fonts of the latest and most attractive st vies of type, cases for all. ink, and printing material in general, and we now have one of the la»st equip­ ped job offices in Southern Oregon. The faculty of the Southern Oregon Statue Normal is doing its share toward making the school a success. There are plenty of students, too, and more coin- ing. What they want now, is a boys’ dormitory, and our citizens should take enough interest in the institution to build one. The hearty support of the citizens is needful to make the school a glow ing success. A highly pleasing time is assure«I to those who attend the Misses Webling Concert to-morrow night.» If you want your Printing done in first class st vie, leave your orders at this office. Satisfaction guaranteed. • < . 1 During hard time», Ashland ¡teuplc should economize in all poaaible wmvs . Whv pay two dollars per year for your local news when you can get the cream of the Fame news a whole dav * earlier foi only twenty-five rents |>er year? Practise ecgiomv and aubacribe for the A dvertiser , the only journal in the that dares to “speak its mind.” Every Wednesday for a • year f«»r twentv-flve * cents.