The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, August 28, 1895, Image 1

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    The Ashland Advertiser.
Monarch of the Amateurs.
Vol. III.
■ -
Mo. 16.
Ashland has the reputation of living a
quiet, law-almiing ritv. ami ¡»erhapR ii
is. Her officer* never run across any­
thing out of the way in the line of gam­
bling, es|«eciallv a little ? game called
“crap shooting, ” for the simple reason
that many of these games are operated
» l»ehilid locked doors whose keepers ar*
somew hat particular about granting ad­
Ofeoursv it is said that there is no
gambling going on in Ashland, but there
are three gambling houses ¡xMlitively
known, that arc open every day and
night of the week, Sunday included,
where “crap shooting’’ is the leading
attraction, ami l»ovs from ten wars of
age up, nigh'ly playawav their money.
This disgrace U> Abe ritv should al om*e
I m » atoppe<l, ami if our present oth«*ials
art* unable to locate th« se dens, they
should be replaced by new and more
com| m »tent ones.
Y h > ka , C ai ... Aug. 26.—A mol» of 250
maske«i men gathered here last night at
one o’clock. broke into the jail amt hung
four murderers, Johnson, Sotnlwr, Null
ami Moreno, in the court house yard.
Matter* are tolerably quiet here this
morning. No arrest*.
Sr m be rand Moreno were the two men
who murdered Sears in his store some
This decided action on the part of the
citizens of Yreka has saved Siskivou
County a gnat exjiensc but thyre is a
question as to w hether the action w as
just, but such is lif«* in California.
The AnwKTiaKH is turning out the
iirsr Job Printing in the city everv day.
When we sav that we give you l»ettvr
work at lower prices than you can oh- |
tain elsewhere, we mean it.
It is an old saving ¿hat the farmer is a
hard man to please and satisfy; no
sooner is he thoroughly complaining of
too much rain than the necessity for ir-
rigation stares him in the face, and ¿tarts
him investigating the latest practical
and profitable methods.
now confirms the claim that a Hercules
Gasoline Gas Engine solves the problem
of economical, reliable power; and for
once the farmer is suite«!, for a Palmer
A Rev Pumping Plant so operated gives
him a chance of clearing his overflow n
lands, ami. later on, of flooding his
parched fields, I esides using his engine
for cutting feed, saw ing wood and run­
ning churns, etc.
For particulars, etc. , address, Palmer
A Rev, San Francisco, Cal.,or Portland,
A suit has l«-en i»i session in Justice
Luckey’«* court .«»r two «lays past, in
which John Real sues Harrv Green
for removing pnqwrty from the Roj>er
ranch «luring his absence ami against his
<»i«iers white he was acting as an officer.
It appears that L. Rogers was to de-
'iver one third of the crop ol hay from
Seventeen acres of lami as payment of
th«* rent of th«* lami, to John Real as an
officer of the state of Oregon, ami Mr.
<irwn. while Mr. Real was absent, re­
moved the hav, ami it is for this act that
Mr. Green was brought in contact with
the law. Up to press time for this side,
the suit had not been concluded.
Tuesday morning's freight brought in
the largest piece of sawed timber ever
seen in this part of the country.
timln'r was tir, with the measurement of
2x3x68 feet. With the exception of a
very small knot near one edge, it was
perfectly clear.
The timber was from
the hi m I »er company of Inman, Poulsen
A Co., Portland, ami l»eing shipped to
the S. P. Material Yards, Oakland.
Remember us for Job Printing.