The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, August 21, 1895, Image 3

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Vol. 111.
ASHl.AM». OHMiU*. WKDKKMUV, Al (it'MT 21. Is»5.
Ko. 14
5ormal Hrhuul Motet.
The janitor work, and all other work
in and alxiut the bnildings is disided
among the j»oor boys needing help in ob­
taining an education.
Mrs Win. IxMiniiR will have charge of
the cooking in the Boarding Hall.
School girl» needing assistance have ln*en
employed to wait on th«* table»and wash
Dr. Easter ami Rev. Faxon. a Baptist
minister, will move here from Drain,
w ithin t wo or three weeks, for the pur-
| m > sc of sending their children to the
N urinal.
In last week’» not«*» it was slated that
gome »indent» can not enter school at
the Iw-ginning. This simply meant their
ow n circumstances are such that thev
can nut be here at the o|»ening.
Any student wishing the Academic
course ami then a special line college
studies can have the privilege of taking
this line of work.
While the Normal
is the principal feature of the school,
yet other courses can lx* taken.
Thursday of this week, or to-morrow,
is the “Bev” fur the purpose of clearing
out a sidewalk way along the right of the
I »ou leva rd. The work will I »eg in at the
emi of the board walk at 7 o’clock in the
morning. Come or send a man. Bring
old ax, mattock, brush-scythe or shovel.
The fourth year of the Normal course
of study will lx* published soon. It will
contain solid Geometry, higher Algebra,
anvam'vd work in Literature, Political
Economy, l4&tin. continuation of Meth­
od», History anti Philosophy of Educa­
tion, and some other work not yet
What is the name of that quality, at­
tribute or force in man which commonly
makes him dissatisfied with his environ­
ment or condition?
Conveisatives or anti-reformers urge
that social, industrial and commercial
condition» are such now as to afford
more of the advantages, comforts and
pleasures of life to the individual man,
than ever before; that the average man
haMnoie leisure andenjoyment now than
at anv other time in the historv of the
known world, ami, consequently, that
there is no occasion for discontent as
well ns no m*cvs»ily for reform.
Why then need man lx* dissatisfied ;
w by should he show discontent or bor­
row trouble of the future? Is it because
of large ideality ; love. hope, ambition;
is it liccause of desire? In analyzing the
question, should the live possible causes
be considered collectively, or should
d« div unlv
• lc accommo-
dated to the place of power» in the e-
«I nations?
Of all the soul force» w hich move man
to effort in the direction of attainment
and of reform, ideality and desire, doubt­
less, combine to urge him forward. The
faculty—ideality is the base of all moral
— mental conception of power and j>er-
fect states, systems and conditions. De­
sin* is subsequent to ideality ami
anticipates the realization of some per­
fect form or condition»
Ik*sire and
ideality are related todesign and execra­
tion. Design measures and formulates
while execration is moral force in mode
of oj»eration. Both ideality and desire
are masterful and not motiveless.—
ideality is the form of the motion ; desire
is the spirit of the form.
(Continued next week )