The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, August 21, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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Che ¿hlümid ¿\dvcriisrr.
Get your Fishing Tackle at Sayles’*
Candv Store. Full line.
Published Krrrjr Wednewday.
M onarch
of the
A mateles .
E ditor , . .
P roprietor .
— THUMS. —
Subscription, One Year,
Six Months,
Sample copies mailed freely.
If you don’t read the A dvertiser , you
don’t get half the news. Subscrilx».
The first full car of ¡reaches shipped
from Ashland this season w as ship)**«! by
G. W . Cnnvson, yesteniav.
Success can hardly lx» applied to the
attempt to rain yesteniav, but it cooled
the air ami laid th»» dust.
Advertising rates ’z Made know11 upon
I fiscounts.
Terms to Agents
CWAll ads., notices. etc , when not
pani in advance, run until ordered out.
Entered at the po-t-offiee at Ashland.
Oregon, as se<*ond-cla*s matter.
vertising Agent. 21 Merchant's
Exchange. San Francisco, i- our author­
ized agent.
lhe A dvertiser is kept on
tile in his office.
Th»- “llU I KT 1st R” hn* th»- l-«r«r*t ( Irrahlloa
nf iny Paper of it* < la**.
We have a thoroughly e«piip¡»cd job
office ami know how to use it.
you need anything in this line, give us a
trial. Our work is guaranteed to please.
The Ashland A dvertiser is on haml
again as fresh ami bright as ever. We
notice that that the editor says lie will
enlarge soon. Bro. (Towson is a hustler
of the right sort.— sunbeam . Galva. 111.
The Normal School Notes form an in­
teresting feature of this issue. Hereafter,
they will always l»e found in the ¡Mention
that they now occupy, one of the col­
umns of the supplement.
Fine line Fashion Plates at Sayles’s
New s De|n»t.
The Re-union w ill take place here next
month. 17-21.
The smoke ha* cleared awav some­
what; just enough to allow the sun I»»
Perhaps you don’t know it, but now is
the time to sill sci il«e.
A Social Dance w ill I m -given in Gran­
ite Hall next Friday night. Tickets .50
cents. A good social time.
G. W . Crow -on is s.»le dealer in “Peer­
less" fruit pa|M-r in Ashland.
Things brought good prices at the aale
of A. Milbap - household g’**!* hist
This indicat«* that time*
are improving.
The (’rawford |M-ach crop is very short
this year. Got«! prices arc In-ing real-
Milk Shakes are on'.V .*» rents at the
Candv Fala<*e.
Don’t overlook the announcement of
t hr I h*part mrnt <>f Music of State Normal
on fourth page.
:?i {euiemlx-r us for Job Printing.
Subscription* are coming in quite rap­
idly at present. Bring yours hi with the
rest. Onlv twentv-live cents a vrar.
Goto Myer and Greg«»rv for all kind*
of furnishing goods at l«ed rock | rices.
The shingling of the Episcopal church
w as finished to-day.
One • vear, • <»nlv
• t w ent • v-five cents.
It pays to advertise in the right
journal; this |Niprr is the one. Try it!
With this issue, we lwgin the publica­
tion of some of the writings of D. W.
Hawkins. They will lx» published in
The Crater Lake party. romi»ose»l of
continuous parts in the supplement.
The subject of the piece this week is the Max W ebster, Ere»I, George and Heiirv
“Reform Motion,"and the piece is well Carter, W arren W illiams and Clarence
worth the pursual of all who are inter­ Galev, returned home - ridav. Thev re-
jw»rt a most enjoyable time.
ested in the prosjwnty of our country.