The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, August 14, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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She ^Ashland ¿\dvcrtisrr. :
Published Every Wednesday.
M onarch
of the
A m atei rs .
E ditor . . .
• I
tret your Fishing Tackle at Sayles’s
* Store. Full line.
Klum A Crislcr have purchase«! land
of .1. M. Hicks, on which to er«*et their
slaughter house, and the building is now
living built.
Milk shakes ate only
Camlv Palace.
cents at the
Subscription, One Year,
. .
Six Months, .................15.
Sample copies mailed freely.
The work <»n the Episcopal church is
progressing rapidly in the hamls of J.
\\ . Schmidt.
Advertising rates, j
Made known U|»on
Terms to AgvntsA
G. \\ . i ’r«>w s«»n is sole d«*aler in “Peer-
less’’ fruit paper in Ashland.
Entered at the post-office at Ashland,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
vertising Agent, 21 Merchant s
Exchange, San Francise«», i- our author­
ized agetit.
l he A dvertiser is kept on
tile in his office.
Mrs. Nelli« II. latinbson. State Com­
mander ot the Indies of lhe Ma<*caln*es.
ad«lressed a fair siz««l aiKÜcnee of ladies
in < >d«i Fellow s' Hull • \csterdav
« aft erm* i
tor th«* |»ui|H»se o! forming a Hive hen*.
She s|H»ke again this aftvrimon.
Fine line lashion Plates at Sayles’s
N c w s I h*|K»t.
D ied . — At her home in Ashland, Aug­
The “ 4IIVKKTIN» R” h«* the larirrut < ire a tat ion
ust 12, 1SW», at dam«I,cl<»ck a . m ., Aman-
of any Taper of it* < la*».
da C. i «unten, aged 2l> years, 11 months
ASHLAND. WEDNESDAY, Al «.I ST 14. I Sî’ô and 2 «lays.
She was Imrii m ar t.
aynein Adam -
('«»., Indiana. Sept. 10, lsDS, came to
\shlaml alsiut three y« ars ago f«»r her
health and ha* I«een an invalid must of
With apology to PI hc I t Cun .
the time.
An attack of hemorrhage
One truly pleasing thought
some time ago. from which she never re­
Comes to us o’er ami o’er ;
covered, was the cam*«* of her death.
That w*e’rv nearer success t«»-«lay
The funeral «M*curre«i yesterday after-
Than we’ve ever I tcd Indore.
termion at 4 :3(lo’clo«k from M. E. Tyler ’s
It was well altcmh*d bx
' friends. There wen* flowers in profusion,
Bi1 sun* Lo read the new ads. of Myer singing by th»* M. E. choir.
«k Gregory, A. Millsap ami the State
Normal School in this issue.
Since last issue, the stones that were
on the plaza have liven removed, leaving
the plaza neat and clean and presenting
a respectable apjiearance
Our kicks
for the removal of the stones were not
in vain, ami when von think that th«*
A dvertiser is not recognized ami widely
read, you had lietter take a vacation.
Our supplement was unavoidably o-
mitted this week, ami, owing to its
omission, the Normal School Notes were
cut short ami in w rong position.
after, the supplement will lie publish«*«!
regularly ami one of its columns will I t
devote«! to Normal School Not«*« which,
no doubt, will be very interesting when
school opens.
Arrangements are living mud«* this
w«*ek with parties to manage the Board­
ing Hall.
ln«piiri«<> have been ma«!«* ns to w hflt
lines of stmiy van I t taken in th«* Nor­
Besiih’s th«* Normal eours«* for
those preparing to teach, a business
cours«* «*an I t taken under a teacher w ho
is a gradiiat«* of a busin« ss college; or
there is all acatiemic course which pre­
pares th«* student for college, or a fl|M*rial
«•ouis«* in which th«* student may review
th«* common branches, or take select«**!
higher stmli«*** as far as lie may wish to
Diplomas ar«* given for anx
regular eon is«’ finished, hut St ate diploma»
ar«* granted only to th«»*«- completing the
Norrnal courses.