The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, August 07, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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àhr JUhhntl ^drrrtisrr.
TubliNhed Every We«lnr*«laj.
Milk Shakes arc only 5 cents at the
Camlv Palace.
M onarch of the A mateurs .
G. W. ('row son is sole dealer in “Peer­
less" fruit paper in Ashlami.
E ditor , . .
P rotri i : tor .
Subscription. One Year.
Six Mont ha,
Sample'copies mailed freely.
Advertising rates.
1 Jiscounts,
Terms to Agents.
. I».
Made known upon
Entere«! at the po-t-«»iii«-<* at Ashland,
Oregon, as second-cla'S matter.
P. FISHER, N I \\ SPA Pl I: \h-
vertising Agent, 21 Merchant s
Exchange. San I rami*«-«», is our author­
ized agent.
the A dvertiser is kept on
tile in his otlice.
The •• IPVEIITIM I«” h«« the l.argriu < Irra lat Ina
of any Paper of it* < la**.
Since the removal of our office, we
have l»een turning out a tine line of lol»
Printing. Our increasing patronage- is
evidence of t he su jH*ri« »rity «»tour print­
ing over that of am othei otlice in the
Be sure to r«-a«l the ad. of A. Millsap
on page 3. Look out for it next issue.
Best stock of shoes in th«* city at th«-
Racket Store.
cents a • vear.
Fre«!('. K uhn, t he cigar manufacturer,
is having th«* front «»f Ins factory painted
in tine style.
<icl voiir Fishing Ta«-kle at Sayhs's
Camlv Store. Full line.
£ r?" R«*mvml»cr us for Job Printing.
According t«» «»Hicial observation, last
Mondm • was th«- h«»tt«-st «inv
• ever re
copied in Ashlami, the therinoinetoi
registering 104 degn-cs in the shad«*.
It pays io advertise in th«* right
journal ; this pap< r is th«- one. Try it !
Ei« «• lin«* Fashion Plates at Sayles’s
N CW s I ’«-pot.
M \ • r A < > r«-goi y are <'l«»*ing «mt t heil
st«M-k in ’he Racket st«»re at greatly n*
«Im « «i prices.
H I . xa\
has enlarg'd th«- spice in
his “( amiy Pala«*«*," am! now h«* has
th«- n«-at«*st refreshment am! news stami
in the citv.
Ti • v him.
( rf-Bcrnt < II; Item«.
We have just increase«! our facilities
in the line of type. Itorder ami cases, an«!
shall continue to a«!«i mor«* material to
our now complete otrice. ami, shaking
<»f job printing, we can ami do turn out
the l»est work in the city.
Although the coming circus carric* its
own detectives, we take t his <»pport unit v
of warning our readers against the “sun*
thing" man who works on the side. We
arc inform«-«! that th«* “soap racket" is
the lea«!er for this show .
Ignoring th«- rules recently pa>se«l,
many of the j»eopjr ar«- using the city
water for irrigation pui|M«s<-s «»nail days
of th«* week ami the city lias not «-m-rgv
enough to enforce its laws.
If th«- city
permits the violation of her laws ami
regulations tocontinue, her pla«*c in the
front rank of progression w ill la- forfeite«!
for a back numlx-r Ih-rnocratic seat.
AT«». 5.
< hir party arrive«! her«- all (>. K . y « st« r-
W A. Patrick and family left for horn«*
R K. Sutton ami party arriv««! hen*
Eight loads of campers arrived hen*
• \ estenlav.
St« am«-r (’»«>«• nt City left for San
Francis«*«» to-dav.
The plaza is full of cani|a*n«; m«»st of
th« in from Ashlami ami (»rant s Pass.
Melvin < ». Vim Natta.
THE MARBLE HILL ERA is a 4 pag«*
weekly pajH-r, chok«* full of clinic«*
rt*ading. only 25c |»er year. For uni«|ur-
ness ami originality it cannot Is- lenten.
Sample «*<»py free,
John S. Smith. Pul». Marl»!«- Hili, Iml