The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, July 31, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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I f
—Frank Shiedler, of Phwnix, was in
town to-day.
—Guert McCall returned from
ndian Saturday.
—B. E. Spencer went over to I>ead In-
ian last Samiav.
— Mux Webster came up
mento Friday evening.
you buy
Medicines and
— Erank Grieves came over from Sis­
last Friday.
— Rev. F. G. Strange went to Medford
Tuesday afternoon.
from Sacra­
— E. V. Carter w ent to Port lam) on
Monday evening’s train.
—J. J. McEvov look his photupraph-
er'soutfit to Treks last Friday.
— Marion Divxtvr returned to her
home in Pori land Tuesday evening.
— Fred Ahbtrom and George Penning­
ton returned home from Blv, Fndav.
— Elsie Patterson and Ethel W ai rad
are expected home from the Patterson
mine next Friday.
-------- OK----------
You can always dejM-nd on
for • vour money.
Persons w ho will clip this cou-
pon from the columns of T he
A shland A dvertiser and send it with
their order to Smiths’ Cash Store, 414 to
4IS Front Street, San Francisco, Cal.,
will receive premiums as follows, on $1
to $10: A child’s l>ook, Dolly Dimple
Series. Ordering $10 to $25: One year’s
subscription, free, to any of the following
Scattered Seeds, Philadelphia, Pa.
On hard ami Farm, San Francisco, Cal.
H«um- Magazine. Washington, D. C.
Farm Jauinal, Philadelphia, Pa.
—Geo. Fennel aker returned
Northern California, Monday, where he
has I mm - h canvassing for his nursery bus­
Only one coujion honored with eaHi
order. Sugar purchases not included in
the a love offer.
Books from our 25 cent list may I m *
chosen in place of paj>er8
if preferred .
— Max Welmtrr, Fred, Geo and Henry
Carter. Clarence Galey ami Warren
Williams left for Crat« a Iuike this morn­
ing, for a few w eek’s campinp-out
— Virgil Wright, w ho aivompanied G
Y. Heaton on his return (nun Brow ns­
ville a week ago, returned to his home,
Friday, to make preparations to return
to Ashland, this Autumn, to reside.
— Melvin, Marion end Mrs. <».<>. Van
Natta, Mrs. E. D. Briggs and children,
ami Mrs. A. C. Caldwell ami little
child started for ('n»*<’ent City Saturday
morning, to remain four or five week.
— Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Sutton, Mrs.
Col. Nori is. Samuel Ward. Daisy Min­
gus. Bert Barnes, Jessie (»rant, A. E.
Matson ami the Misses Silsbvs went to
Crescent City, yesteniay, to I m * gone
about a month.
— J. W . Fairbanks took his stereopti-
.•on to Medford, Monday evening and
gave his illustrated lecture on “Ben 11 ur”
in that city at night. Hr retutned Tues­
day ami nassed on to Sacramento, to de­
liver his lert urea throughout Cal. again
*vlf at the household ami elsew here if
there is any activity in the locality.
Keep your business or affairs alive and
make them move.
Cash is the right
thing. Do not let any one gvtyoue name
down as a debtor. Be free and indepen­
dent to pun*hasv where ami what you
please. If you have not the capital* to
run the ranch or the business, get it on
the l*est term* (»ossilde ami pay for it at
current rates but do not pay two prices
for goods for the sake of a few weeks
credit. That i* your trouble to-day.
Economy is wealth. Our clothing for
Sunday and everyday use is well made
ami of good material. It is sold at the
right price. Sunday suits at $5.00 up.
Semi for our full list of
To Smiths’
Cash Sion*.
4 lt» t<» 41S Front St.. San Francisco.
‘** Sample free. Address
News letter, Hasbrouck Heights. N. J.