The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, July 31, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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1.04 II. KUH lilts.
chr ¿Uhland ¿Wrrtif-rr.
Best stock of shoes in the city at the
Racket Store.
Published liver) Wed ne »day.
M onarch or
_ -
w •
A matevrs .
) E ditor , . .
* -
• \
Pi in I8H| k .
P ropri i tor .
— TKHMS. —
Subscription, One Year.
Six Months,
Sani pie copies mailed Ir«*»*ly.
». > . known
. ...
. ■ rates. ’ ) Made
Discounts, \
. i
terms to Agents,’
Entere«! at the post-office al Ashlami.
Oregbn. as secoml-chiss matter.
vertising Agent, 21 Merchant's
Exchange. San Francis»*«». i-our auth«»’-
ized agent. Th«* A dvertiser is kept on
tile in his office.
Th«- “ I III I. KT 1*0 R” ha* Ihr l.srirr*t < ir ridati««»»
of »n. Paper of it* < la**.
Jfl.Y al. IS95.
l^H»k out f«»r «»nr new ads. next week.
Our subscription list is increasing at
the rate of three per «lay. With such in­
creasing support, our prosjierity and
success are well insure«!.
The A dvertiser , of Ashland, Ore., i>
a new pa|H*r on <»ur exchange list.
paper is a go»»d sample <»f artistic print­
ing.—Sharon , Pa.) Star.
Souvenir e«lition of Squibs hasjustai-
ived The e«liti«»n <*«»ntains 74 pages
till«*«! with excellent content? ami well
displayed ads. The journal is fr«»m the
press of Bull brothers, of Seattle, ami re-
Meets great credit upon their ability as
printers ami publishers.
In al>oiit two weeks, we shall In-gin
the publication of some of the lilerarv
productions of D. W. Haw kins, a local
w riter of talented ability. Mr. Haw kins
is a gifted writer, ami the products of his
jM*n cannot fail to be interesting ami in­
structive to rea«lers of goo»l literature.
Milk Shakes are only 5 cents at the
Candy Palace.
Twoof the l»olts in the left cylinder oi
engine No. PK)3 were broken lase Frnlax
while coming over the Siskivous.
<:. W. Crow son is sole dealer in “Peer­
less“ fruit paj»er in Ashland.
cents a • war.
B orn .— In Xshlaml, Sunday, July 2S,
1S95, to Mr. ami Mrs. Otto Winter, a
(treat bargains
Ra *kel Stole.
in clothing at the
The |»eople have I «ven shut down to
hail rations on th»* inigation water that
they have paid lor. in or«!cr to give the
flotir mill more free water to run extra
ma him rv.
(let * vour Fishing * Tackle at Savles's
Cain’y Store. Full line.
£ *
Remetnln-r 11* for Job Printing.
Last Thur*<!ay was the “banner »lav
«»f the black! erry season, 7 S3 gallons
having I* »’n ship|»ed on that »lav. The
average daily shipment f«»r the w»-ek was
a I «out 500 gall«»n*.
It pays to a«lvertise in the right
journal; this pa|»vr is the one. Try it!
Our E<ist«*rn exchanges all agree that
t he <»1« at W al lac« >h,iw s are th«* greatest
ever in thia country in the way of size
and quality. These shows have crvaU*»l
a furore wherever ihvv have l»vvn.
Fit««* line Fashion Plates at Sayles’s
New > DejM»t.
A line line of Job Printing is living
turn««! out by the A dvertiser «»thee.
Best work in the city at the lowest pri«*v.
Kuhn now has his cigar fac-
t««rv. opposite <*ity hall, in full o)M‘ration
ami will haw a stock of cigars ready for
the trade in al»out t‘*n «lays. Our mer­
chants ‘hold«! give him their heart v
Myer A (in-gory are chtsing out their
st««*k in th«* Racket Flore at greatly re­
duce«! prices.
A |M>iiml of “Peerless pajsT w ill pack
mor«* pca«*h«*s than any ot her make ; con-
s«*«|ucntly it is the clivaiH*st to buy. (».
W’. Crow son, !‘iom*er block, is th«* only
«lealvr in Southern On*gon who sells it