Monarch of the Amateurs. Vol. 111. ASlILAMl. (IHMHIV. WHIM.NDAÏ. JI LV 31. l#»6. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. X«. II. IMPOSSIBLE TO DESCRIBE. Th«» Montreal Gazette knows what it ■ is talking alaiut when it say# of the Great XX* al lace Shows: “it will be impos­ The Southern On-gon State Normal sible to «lescrilie the feature# of a show School in now rva»iv to I** re-opened in so many of which win impossible. Per­ the Univvrsity building, situate»! in the haps if preference must )<* given, the supurbs of Ashland. The building.— wonderful and striking feats were those the finest of its kind in this part of the of th«» J a pa lies«» in their balancing ami state,—has just liven fitted out for the juggling. To see the Japanese young­ (itirposc, and school will open Septem- ster fobbed into every concievable posi­ ht 2, 13W6. tion by hi# older countryman, to note There will be three course# <4 study, how perfectly a quainted they were w ith viz; Normal. Academic ami Business. the difficult acts of their performan«*e, The leading feature of the school if» the was simply astonishing. One could not prof'*s«ional; to train teacher# lor their help holding his breath when watching work, and, at the same lime, to see that the wee fellow stretched iq»on the end they comprvhvnd the branches taught. of a twenty feet ¡Mile balance»! upon the The A'*ademic «•ourae pn*t»ares the stu- older Japan«»#«*. 'Then it seemt»d to I h * dciita for college or gi v< # them a fair edu­ nothing to dangle holders in the air, to cation. The business course gives a plav uiMin them like kitten# and w ith as practical businesseducation. little thought of «ianger.” A regular line of covered hacks will la» run la»iw «-en different part- of the city OCR NEXV OFFICE. and the *-h«>»l at suitable intervals of the .. English Literature. Ehamtion. ingall to th«* office of th«» “Monarch of T. XV. Mile»*, Book-keeping. Commercial | the Ama’curs.” I jiw , Shorthand. Mias Ida Pearl XX* it bin a short t»me, we shall put in a Thoma*. Instrumental ami Vocal Music. new improved press ami a pa|«»r cutter, Mrs. E. J. Taylor, Painting. Guitar ami, with th«**«» facilities, we will l»e let­ Muaic. MiaaJu It v. Fielder, B. S. D . ter prepared than ever befi»re to turn out History, t»r«»graphy. the Is st work in the city. For folders, ami full particular#, call Call around to #«*«» uh , ami w hen you upon or address. XV. T. \ an Scoy, Pres. want your printing done in th«» most sat­ isfactory manner, give us a trial. Our When you •*«•<• ia<*e* in a circus hip|M>- w»»rk is guarantee«! to please. «Irome, t he outcome of w hich is so plain­ ly a fon*gonv conclusion that the whole Ashland is the leading city in the val­ affair is tame, all th«» interest is taken ley. Healthful climate, pure, mountain out. But w hen you ace th«» rac«»# of th«» water, fine vl«»etri<» lights, etc , in fact she Great XX al hue Shows, it is different. has everything that goes to make a Mr. XX’allace fines any contestant who model city but a good plaza, ami that doe# not rid«» or»lrive to win. 'The riv­ would In* all right if a few dollars were alry is as great as it is on the turf. Then» expvmie«! in removing th«» stones scat­ is no sham al»out these races. Prize# are tered over it. w hich, besides marring the award«»«! at th«» cm! of th«» season to con­ ap|H»arance of thecity, may cause an ac­ testant# w ho hav«» th«» highest numlier of cident that will cost more than to winnings. remove the stones la»fort» it is t«K> late. WILL UK OHKXKD HKITHMBFR 2X0 Fl’Ll, COrRSlt OF STUDY. WITH