THE ASHLAND ADVERTISER. PFKHOMAL. I f you — Roliert Taylor returned from Port­ land Sunday. O — Mrs. S. A. Sackett left for Portland Monday evening. — R. P. Neil went to Grant's P ush on business, Monday. — Nf ¿ km Angie Mullen returned to Med­ ford Monday evening. — Herbert and Clay Cole, of Colvatine, were in town ThunMhiv. 3 buy Drugs, YOUH Medicines and Stationery -------- OK---------- . SHERWIN,. You can always depend on true value for • vour monev. • — Arthur High left on Saturday eve­ nings train for Douglas Conn’y. Al I Persons who will clip thiscou- AA L. L» ¡»on from thueoliimns of T he A shland A dvertiser and semi it with their order to Smiths’ Cash Store, 414 to 41s Front street, San Francisco, Cal., will receive premiums a* follows, on $1 to $10: A child's l»ook, Dolly Dimple Series. Ordering $10 to $25: One year’s subscription, free, to any of the follow ing — Mr». L. E. Rentier went to Myrtle Point on Monday evening’s train. PAPERS — Miss Joi«< Nunan returned to Jack­ sonville , Saturday evening. — Mina Mabie Jones returned to her home in Medford, Saturday. — Miss Edith Van Dvke returned to Medford on Saturday evening’s train. —James Strwart, of Medford, was in Ashland last Wednesday ami Thursday. —Walt Williams returned to hi«« home in Jacksonville on Saturday evening’s train. — Mrs. E. B. Smith went to IMuglas County, Saturday evening, to visit h< r • laughters. G. Y. Heaton returned home, yrs- terday, from Brownsville, where he has l»eeii visiting for several weeks. Ella and Die Cook, of Jacksonville, relatives of C. K. Klum, returned to their home Monday evening. — Miss Rosa Dickvson, sister of Mrs. R. F. High, return«*«! to her home in Helena, Montana, Saturday. — Miss Margan t Godfrey left for her home in Merlin last Friday evening, after a visit of ten «lays in Ashland. — Mrs. T. J. Dunn, of Chi«*«».Cal., who lias been visiting in Ashland for some time, went t«»Jacks«mville last Saturday, tn remain als»ut a week. —George Mas«*ott ami Albert McKin­ ley came over from the Patterson mine Monday evening. They passed on to Dallas Tuesday evening. — Mrs. Walter Bevl»er went U> Rose­ burg Saturday, aftyr two week’s visit in kshland. She will go from R-»sc burg to her home in Junction Citv. ''«•altered See«ls, Philadelphia, Pa. On hard and Farm, San Francisco, Cal. Hom«- Magazine. Washington. D. C. Farm Jaui nal, Philadelphia, Fa. Only one coupon honore«l with each order. Sugar purchase* not included in the a love offer. Book* from our 25 cent list mav l>e chosen in place of papers if preferred . FREE EVERY DAY “sT seif at the household ami elsewhere if there is anv • activity • in the locality. • Keep your business or affairs alive ami make them move. Cash is the right thing. Do not let any one get voue name dow n as a debtor. Be free ami indepen­ dent to purchase where ami what you please. If you have not the capital to run the ranch ortho business, get it on the In-si terms possible ami pay for it at current rat« * but do not pay two prices for goods for the sake of a few weeks credit. That is your trouble to-day. Economy is wealth. Our clothing for Sunday ami everyday use is well made a»ni of go si material. It is sold at the right price. Sunday suits at $5.00 up. Semi for our full list of CLOTHING Cash Store 4 It’» to 41S Front St.. San Francisco. A PAPER TH AT WILL PLEASE YOU Sample free. Address News Letter, Hasbrouck Heights, N. J.