THE ASHLAND ADVERTISER. — ■ LOCAL BREVITIES. ®lu ¿Vshland ^dvrrtbrr. The Wallace Great Shows will exhibit in Ashland, Saturday, August 10. Publifthcd Eïery Wednesday. M onarch A matevrs . Milk Shakes are only 5 cents at the Candv Palace. JUTOK, . . PViU.tMllKK, PROPRIETOR. The construction of the iron foundry building in nearly completed. of the TEKMS. — 1.25 .15 Subscription, One Year, “ Six Months, Sample copies mailed freely. Advertising rates. | Discounts, • Terms to Agents, ’ kl|Own gpon application. Entcres matter. P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER Al>- vertising Agent, 21 Merchant s Exchange, San Franei-co, is mir author­ ized agent. The A ovkrtiser is kept on tile in his office. j 1 hr “Al»V Kill IM II” h«* th«« Ijirur-t < irrnlition of an) Paper of It* I la*». Goto I.. V. High’s Tonsorial Parlor for a refreshing shave or a hair-cut. C Rememlwr ns for Job Printing. J. M.Hicks is shipping al»out twenty- live crates of dew I m rm - to Portland ami other northern cities, dailv. Fine line Fashion Plates at Sayles’s News I >e|H»t. G. W. Grow son is sole dealer in “Peer­ less” fruit pa|M*r in Ashland. Twenty-five cents a >ear. Go to the Portland Photo Tent, near Hotel Oregon, for the finest finished Photographs of all styles ami Cab­ inet Photo- onlv |2.00 |»er dozen. J. j. MeEvrv, Photo Artist. 17. 1S95 Perhaps you don’t know* it, but now is the lime to sub-cril«e. For some time past, we have I mtii greatly rushed with job printing. Joe Stormer *peart*d an extraordinary large -almon in Ashland creek, Monday, weighing fifteen |»onmls, according to J im - - storv, • —“fi-h storv. • ” It pax s lo advertise in the right journal; this pa|«er is the one. Try it! ■ —---------------------------------------- j vi. y WEDNESDAY, > IHTORI O.. Notice our new title, “Monarch of the Amateurs.” We will uphold this title against all the amateur newspajier world. Our advertising spare is taxed ♦<> the utmost this week, which shows the val­ ue of the A dvertise ): as an advertising medium. We shall add a supplement w it bin a few w eeks. Perhaps you remember that a few weeks ago we promised to enlarge w hen support justified it. If support contin­ ues to increase as it ha« since our re-ap­ pearance, we shall put in a new press ami double our size Indore inanv months have passed. — If some of our amateur exchanges do not respond immediately they will I m * cancelled from our mailing list. It is immaterial to us whether you exchange or not, localise we do not have to con­ sider our exchanges to prove the largest Ixina fide circulation of anv amateur newspaper in the world. 9 A fine line of Job Printing is l»eing turn«*d out by the A ¡» vkiitiski : office. Best work in the city at the lowest price. A |H»umi of “Peerless pajwr will pack more ¡»eache- than any ot her make;con- -«•«piently it is the ch<*aiM*st to buy. G. W. (’row-on, Pioneer block, is the only dealer in Southern Or« gon w ho sells it Get your Fishing Tackle at Sayles’s Candv Store. Full line. I)m>.— At his home in Ashland, Sal urdav, Julv 13, 1SH5, Oscar o. Ganiard, age«I lk3 years, 5 months ami 15 «lays. Funeral occurred Sunday, interment in Ashland ccinetarv. • Myer de Gregory arc too busy im­ proving their headquarters to write a new ad. for this issue Thev have ex- tended their shelfing for the reception of their new stock and arc having a new modern front pul in. so that, with many other improvements, they have one of the im»st attractive and accommodating drx goods houses in Southern Oregon. 9