The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, July 10, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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Ashland ^dvrrtisrr.
Chautauqua Assembly Ingins to-day.
1’nblÍNhrd Wednesday.
Monarch of Amateur Local News Journals.
Milk Shakes are only 5 cents at the
Candy Palace.
Teachers Institute is in session this
week at the High School building.
Goto L. V. High’s Tonsorial Parlor
for a refreshing shave or a hair-cut.
— TEKM8. —
Subscription, One Year.
Six Months.
Sample copies mailed freely.
Advertising rates.
. .
Terms to Agents,
Made known upon
Entered at the post-other at Ashland,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
vertising Agent, 21 Merchant’«
Exchange, Sait Francisco. is our author­
ized agent. The A dvkrtiskr is kept on
tile in his office.
The “Al»V KRTIM I»*’ ha* the I.arurst ( Irmlatlon
of any I’aprr «» T it* < la**.
jVl.Y 10, I $95.
Many kind letters have ls-en received
since our reappearance, congratalating
the A dvertiser on its tv {«»graphical ap­
pearance and its contents
tir rt emember us for Job Printing.
Klum ami Crisler have a new ad. on
page 3.
Look out for Myer ami Gregory*® new
ad. next week.
Fine line Fashion Plates at Sayles’s
News De|»ot.
G. W. (’row son is sole dealer in ** Peer­
less” fruit pajH-r in Ashland.
Chautauqua Assembly logins to-dav.
to continue for ten days.
come. An enjoyable time is assured.
It pays to advertise in the right
journal; this pajx-r is the one. Try it!
Read the Shorthand ad. on |mge 4 of
this issue.
Alexandria ¡teaches are coming Into
cents a • rear.
Perhaps you don’t know it. but now is
the time to sul*crii>e.
Gel your Fishing Tackle at Sayles’s
Candv Store. Full line.
The citizens of Ashland had better
D ied .— At her home in Ashland, Fri-
wake up to their interests if they want : day, July 5. 1895, at 6:00 p. m ., Matin
the creamery, or our enterprising neigh­ Virginia W eeks. aged 43 years, 6 months
bor, Medford, will get it I adore we know ami 19 days.
Boas.— In Ashland precinct, July 5.
1 $95, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Murphy.
We want one hundred agents in Ash­ I a daughter.
land and vicinity to solicit subscriptions
A fine line of Job Printing is being
for the A dvertiser . Forty jht cents
commission. For further particulars turned out by the A dvertiser office.
Best work in the city at the low e-t price.
call at this office.
The weekly A dvertiser was granted a
certificate of a< I mission at the second
class rates of postage last Friday.
A |M>und of “Peerless pajwr will ¡»ack
more ¡»caches than any other make ¿con­
sequently it is the cheapest to buy. G.
W. ('rowson, Pioneer block, is the only
dealer in Southern Oregon w ho sells it.
We rag ret greatly that we did not.
meet Harry Morris as he paasvd through
on Friday evening's train, but his letter
announcing his coming was not received
until the day after he passed. We trust
that we will meet bin when he returns
in September.
Someone, silpj»osed to Is* a hobo«-,
quietly stole one of R. T. Melina’s horses
from ids stable in the de{s»t addition,
last Sunday night, and, after removing
the horse, fastened the doors as they
were. Up to press time, the liorw had
not l»een recovered.