£> THE ASHLAND ADVERTISE!:. I’FKMISAL. I f —S.T. Holt, of Ph«enix, was in tow n Monday. —Miss Nellie Bolton returned Merlin last Thursday. from — Miss Violet McCall went to Yoncola, last Friday, to remain. — Edward Spencer will leave Sprague river Saturday morning. 9 for — Wm. Patterson ami family returned from the Patterson Bros, mine Friday. — State printer W. H. Leeds ami w i fe arrive«! in Ashland from the South last Saturday evening. — Addison Graham f circulation should l»e t lie first consideration of the he business man when thinks of advertising in am journal. This ran l»e apper­ tained by examining the cir­ culation 1 mm >U m of the pub­ lisher, who, iftlie circulation of his journal is honestly rep­ resented, will readily al­ low him to do so. The next consideration should lie quantity of circu­ lation. This can la* ascer­ tained in a similar manner. The ADVKRTisER s circula­ tion has never been in is-re presen ted, and our Usiks an* open to all adver­ tisers who may wish to ex­ amine its qaulitv and t Quantity. 3 you Bl’Y Drugs, o Medicines and VOl JH Stationery ----- of ------ SHERWIN,. You can always dejiend on true value for • vour monev. • (»rern A hrird Fralt*. Fla* Candle*. Win. Hevener, GR( )OKH. r«» < apital. No Canvassing. We Guarantee it tn Cost You Nothing. Send Stamp. S. .1. ANDREWS. Clinton. Ont. A PAPER THAT WILL PLEASE YOU. -* Sample free. Address Nvw> Letter. Hasbrouck Heights. N.J. A DVERTISEKS.—We distribute ad- •* vertising matter anywhere in South 1 hikota at lowest possible rates. Write for terms, Small circulars mailed at 10c. per 100. T he H ome A dvertising C o ., Alierdeen, South Dakota. A AAA AAA AAA AAA AAA Tb* Advertiser Printing Office. 4UOWUIUU »