THE ASHI.AN1» ADVERTISER. o íht Ashland ^drertbrr. Pabllahed W c<ine«<ia). Monarch o! Amateur Local News Journals. • . ) E ditor . . . V CRQÍ \V . ' • l‘l 1,1 :"H P ropri i fob . LOCAL BREVITIES. Be sure to reniemlier that to-morrow is the 4th of J uly. Goto L. V. High’s Tonsorial Parlor for a refreshing shave or a hair-cut. The first dew lorries of the season wen- in market last Friday. They were grown by G Y. Ileaton. tU'Rcniemler us for Job Printing. 9 — TKKM8. — Subscription, One Year, “ Six Months, Sample copies mailed freely. . |.25. ............ Io. The Ashland “Class of W * will “take in" the celebration at Medford to-inor- row. Adv»rti»ingr* * te«,J Made kl„.wn npon 1 iscounts, ■ application. Terms to Agents,' 1 Read the Shorthand ad. on page 4 of this issue. To climb to the lop of old Grtexh seems to In * the ambition of every young Ashlamler. P. FISH EK. NEWSPAPER A1J- vertising Agent, 21 Merchant’s Exchange. San Francisco, is our author- teed agent. fhc A dvertiser is kept on tile 111 his offici . ¡ Thr •• ADVERT IM RM ha« the lar r«t * « Irr alai Ion of anj I’aprr of It * I la«». J V I. Y 3, I W». WEDNESDAY, - ---------------------------- ---- . I DITONI AL. Subscrils-rs are earnestly req mated to re|M>rt all '-ases of non-deli verancc of their paper. The larger ¡tapers of the city w ill con ferà favor ujH»n the A dvertiser by giving credit for items taken from its columns The editor and publisher of the A d - VDRTisER is not as old as many of our readers supfrose, but is a lad of sixteen ytars. The Herald, of Manchester, Iowa, makes the following assertion: “The Herald has the large « * circula tion of any amateur w eekly ¡taper pub lished in America." The A dvertiser claims the same distinction, so, in all friendliness ami good will, we ask the Herald to prove its assertion. If old subscrilter * wish their piip-r discontinued, they must so • inform us. This taking the pajnr out of the office, reading it and then return ing it will not work here. According to the laws governing sultftcriptions, due notice must lie given and all arrearages paid In-fore a subscription is discontin ued. Please Is-ar this in mind. Crislicand Klum ojiened up a butchei shop at the Murphy Bros, old stand near Wm. Hevencr’a grocery. Twentv-five cents a • vear. • The household goods of J. L. Fenton, one of the proprietors of the foundry, arrived last Friday. Mr Fenton has rented the A. S. Hammond house. Perhaps you don’t know it, but now i- the tune to aubacnltc. The ¡torch of Hotel Oregon is Itcing re-floored. J. W. Schmidt ami B. R. W illits are doing the work. G. W.Crow son is sole dealer in “Peer less" fruit pajn-r in Ashland. Alexandria ¡teaches are Itrginning to ripen. It ¡«ays to advertise in the right journal; this ¡ta|ter is the one. Try it! To-morrow’s the «lav we celebrate, (to to Medford ami “have all the fun you want, but «lou t get ga) Lillie Watson, Hypatia Klum. Jessie Wagner, Fred Carter, Henry Galey and John McCall e<»mj»osr-<l a ¡tartv that went to the summit of Grixxlv Peak. Sunday. A ¡round of “peerless pajter will ¡rack more ¡Maches than any other make; con sequently it is the chcajM-st to buy. <». W.Crowaon, Pioneer block, is the only «h aler in Southern Oregon w ho sells it A tine line of Job Printing is being turned out by the A dvertiser office. Best work in the city at the lowest ¡trice. Sign Itoards were erected, yesterday. <tp|tositc the O|>era House, on which t*» display ¡roster» for the coming circus.