o Vol. III. Asili.AMI. OHE(,<ñ. WFDXEKDAT. J< I.T 8. ls»ô. IIOLD-LT AT RIDDLES. TRAIN NO. 15. NORTH BOVNI». WAS ¡ THE VNI.UCKY ONE. TIIK RoXHEKS HBCCRKE A BOOTY OF |40UU AND FAMILY BHCAPKD. Wo. 7. A TRULY REMARKABLE CASE. FROM THE “MEDFORD MAIL.” There is a peculiarity connected with the accident which l>efell L. Larsen, the painter. A lout three weeks ago he fell and broke his leg at the thigh and since that time he has exjierienced no feeling of pain The leg was set, properly cared for and is knitting together very nicely but there is no pain. He states that any cut or bruise that he has previously received were also w ithout pain. This hardly s » tiiis creditable, but it is true— and a <*ondition which would l»e envied by ¡»eople with broken l»ones. While we are speaking of Mr. Larsen we w ill state that the gentleman is in destitute circum-tames ami any little moneyed consideration that could l»e extended would l»e fully appreciated. At 10:45 o’clock Monday night as train No. 15 neared Riddles station, at the North end of Cow Creek Canyon. North Ixnind, the determined command of “Halt,” Ment home the throttle ami brought the train to a stand still. The roblxTH were three in numlier. Two of them were engaged in detaining the train while the third went through the cars, “collecting.” The sate could not l»co|»encd but al»out |4,0(M) was taken from the passengers, one man handing over |4n the Southern Pacific railroad a I »out ten »lays ago is doomed to short searching him. The hold-up was a quiet affair, but one life. We are informed by reliable au­ shot living tire«!. It was directed at thority that another card is to liecome etfet live in a short time. The South- Conductor Kernev but did no harm. Mr. Plot tier descrilws the robl«er who l»ound pas-» nger w ill leave Portland at went through the car as a s ender man SAM r. m . ami arrive in Ashland at S:15 alout six feet tall, wearing a white silk \. m .. making the entire run in 12| hours, handkerchief for a mask, ami drc>-ce a small fraction of the water in your them. well; if you prefer heavy bills for re­ We obtain from the Medford Mail, the pairs after each storm in Winter, by all intelligence that Medford is to have a means use a w indmill; but if you w ant Steam laiundry. There will then I m » no water at any time, ami up to the full ca- • m ed of ¡»copie in this part of the valley pacity of your well, put in an Ajax Coal «•ending their luiundry work to Northern Oil <»as Engine, the latest thing in me­ cities nor encouraging “Chinese cheap chanics. an engine that uses common lalxir,” when by patronizing American coai oil for fuel, ami is built by the well home imlustrv, the monev can I m * kept known firm of Palmer and Rev, San Francisco, Cal. in circulation hen» at home.